5th/March/2012. My printer has met it's end at the hand of spontaneous combustion. It now resembles the toxic sludge that I always dreamed it could be, truly a miracle has been performed...But wait...Why is this in the angry thread? Why doesn't this fill Finius with the joy that only a child who has discovered a devious method to drive his parents insane whilst still getting a furby and new pokemon cards can experience?
I hear you saying "is he confused", "is he mad", "is this the end of the world", those are all valid questions. I'm sure I may well be confused and I may well be mad, and I also always suspected that the end of humanity would be something I'd have a hand in, but those things, my friends, are NOT what is causing me to post here, oh no. I'm genuinely angry.
I am filled with rage, right down to the core of my blackened, hateful heart, for nature has done something (or perhaps it was an epson conspiracy), that has violated the above, most sanctified and wonderful event of my printer exploding and dying in an orgy of fiery gooeyness. Like a fresh mother who has had her newborn child ripped from her arms and taken forever, I too have suffered a world-shattering injustice, one that will scar my mental wellness forever.
"What is it?" you ask me, as if you could understand the pain, as if you can pretend to know what it is that may well be the thing that ruins me. I will tell you, but you can never understand this misery that now faces me.
The f***ing thing's melted itself into my desk, kind of in the same shape as the trollface. Not only this, but the goo also spread across the desk and onto my RAF Get Fit Guide. Printer is evil and wants me to be fat