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Finius last won the day on November 19 2014

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  1. Does anyone here play at South Cost CQB? If so, direct your attention to this: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=850644264953535&set=o.296206383878338&type=1&theater

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. NickM


      Point blank shot from a new mag and cylinder! It smashed the fibres of the glove and smashed the skin on the base of my nail bed. Sometimes people play fast and loose with the rules or try to cheat the system. Eg Chrono's can read lower if they are using old batteries. Some chrono's are just faulty in general. Some sites run multiple chrono stations which really shows the inaccuracies between them.

    3. Lozart


      And THAT is why the Mall has banned all CO2 pistols outright!

    4. Sam_G


      I have played SC-CQB (even gave advise to the owner prior to the site opening) and the safety side of things was bang on. All guns tested and tagged. There could have been alot of reasons leading to this incident and it angers me that people make assumptions of the site due to one hearsay picture/story. If it were that bad the player should have mentioned it on the day and not just turned it into a keyboard warrior shoot out. Many guns can have the FPS changed very easily so it is very hard t...

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