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Jaylordofwaargh last won the day on March 17

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    ASG CAA M4 'carbine' (rip), WE Sig F226, ICS m4a1
  • Loadouts
    DPM 95 yolk
    Soldier 95 with "para" rig
    pattern 58 for ColdWar filmsims
  • Sites
    So far, Combat South's woodland site (rip), Ambush activities, UCAP's green ops site, Mayhem (Essex), Red1 Chiselhurst, Warzone Covenrty, Thunder Park Cornwall, The Gaol, Eversly camp Alpha
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  1. Decent kit, black and green is a mood. As a larper, how many of those pockets/pouches are for show and how many contain actual kit?
  2. When I've needed a WOW react as I can't give a 'careful now' and laugh.... That sounds intense, but hey, if it helps defend the chooks
  3. Yeah, should've included a reference I guess 😅 @Tackle @Galvatron thanks lads, now a sample of 4!
  4. However there is a second part of the proposition H8ers, fun for a while but not worth the resale value.... Now for context I know 2 people with one of these, and they love it, hand make holsters for them, "pouches" for the ammo rings. However, this is a very small sample size. And so.... Who has/had one? Why did you keep/ditch?
  5. Hey, which model is this? Aa do a number of 1911 shaped items..... Kinda interested depending on which one it is
  6. Man, if I had read this thread/comment I could have had the bleach ready. It's too late now.
  7. Well that is a very legal sounding welcome.... If ever I have a spare Sunday in that part of the world I'll stop by
  8. Given how often some of the groups have to pin posts or repeat answers to repetitive questions, yeah, they won't take too kindly to this format. What the social media platforms do provide is an excellent source of memes and gifs. There are occasions where someone will spark the interest and wake the slobbering beast that is the FB social community. The most recent one was a Karen discovering the fafo, I won't go over it, it's Bryn done
  9. Whatcha chatting bout? Custom midnight black paint on that stock.....
  10. Used some archived threads recently to help me out with my mc51 but when I joined here I did have a look at arnies and it didn't seem very active then so....it us and which ever Macks worthy market place will add chat function
  11. Realistically mine is Red Alert 6 at Eversly as part of a film sim weekend. I wish I could commit to more but... you know, life My load out will be Para/Pathfinder 85 so I get away with a Sig226 as sidearm, use tm mc51 as main (I know not an "issued" toy but it did do some field tests) and I get to do all of that in the most excellent heavy canvas known to man 'Pattern 58' in a 68 smock.
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