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  • Guns
    King Arms M4A1 GBB
    KJ Glock 17 Gen4
    KJ M9A1
    ICS L85A2
    King Arms M1A1 Thompson

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  1. I think they were making a new website at weapon762
  2. And now it's arrived! Very pleased with it so far. Nice trigger and good snappy recoil.
  3. Finally got around to ordering the Proforce Sig P320 X-Carry. I've fancied one for ages, and now a local dealer had them on offer, so it had to be done.
  4. Saw this on Aliexpress, and was wondering if anyone here has bought one, or indeed seen one in real life, and can give their opinion on it? Unfortunately my budget won't stretch to the real deal Safariland holster.
  5. If it's the same issue I had, you can fix it by fitting a spacer to the bit of the release that's supposed to rest on the top of the slide. I had about 4mm too much play, which meant that the pistol could move too much in the holster and the release didn't always work.
  6. Plenty of other countries have national service, and quite a few have reintroduced it within the last few years. I don't think it's a bad thing by any means, but I don't think it will be cheap, and I don't think it's likely to be something that's going to happen within the next five years (not on any meaningful scale anyway). The logistics of it all as well as the need for personnel to train these national servicemen are likely to be major stumbling blocks.
  7. What about Generation Kill?
  8. I've had similar trouble with Crye-a-like trousers, in that the knee pads are sometimes set too high up on the leg, even though the leg length itself is ok.
  9. My condolences to you and your family
  10. Excellent! Thanks for the help.
  11. I've been looking at holsters online, including Safariland 6354 clones, but really don't want to risk buying yet another holster that my G17 won't fit. Anyone got any recommendations for holsters for the WE G17? The way it's going, I might end up buying a Umarex just so I know that it'll fit in holsters designed for a Glock.
  12. 100% agree, on not putting drinks powder etc. in your waterbottle or camelbaks. Only ever had clean water in mine, and never had any problems.
  13. I've never heard of these before now. Very Interesting idea though.
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