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  • Guns
    G&G M14 EBR, G&G SOC16, G&G TR16 MBR 308 SR, G&G GPM92, TM PX4, Secutor M870
  • Loadouts
    A-tacs, Warrior assault systems, Other stuff
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  1. Would be possible to get some additional photos of this pistol that are in focus?
  2. Amazon Special? https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Rotpunkt-Tactical-553-Graphic-Replica-Release/dp/B01L03IBGU
  3. Has anyone had any experience with the M870 magazine adaptors. I'm thinking about getting one for my Secutor M870 Velites Invicta. There seems to be a few out there from OMG price to why is that so cheap? Any advice is welcome.
  4. Has this got any kind of quick release to get they weapon out while attached?
  5. Welcome I'm Nottinghamshire based. We have a small group that go out when we can. We might see you on the field or have to hook up for a game at some point.
  6. I might have one somewhere, but you will have to give me some time to find it as it's packed away in a storage box somewhere
  7. A couple of Vickers I made for a EH show a few years back
  8. http://www.usedairsoft.co.uk/rif-s/electric-powered/2-airsoft-guns_i2894
  9. Cable tie through it will save you some stress
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