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Musica last won the day on July 27 2020

Musica had the most liked content!


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  • Guns
    ASG Scorpion Evo A1 2018 revision.
    TM Hi-Capa 5.1 D.O.R
  • Sites
    The Depot
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  1. Don't be discouraged if you give sound advice to people in a thread and they ignore it and do what they wanted to do before they opened the thread looking for validation. 


    I read a lot on here before asking questions and learned so much from responses to people questions. 

    1. SgtTalbert


      Thats not just a forum thing. Thats a life thing

    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      yeah, pretty accurate. i guess some people are just wanting to be reassured that they haven't made a mistake although some folk seem to get mighty defensive if they get told otherwise.


      thing is advice on here is just that- advice, the only thing you get for giving it is a reservation of the right to say "i tole you so!"

    3. Druid799


      Just remember , ‘advice’ is just another name for an opinion hopefully based on personal experience .

      And many on here know my feelings on opinions,

      “Opinions are like arseholes , everybody has one and nine times out of ten both are full of shit !” 👍

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