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Everything posted by lokkers

  1. If you like GBBs then HTIS Airsoft does some good overviews of his collection.
  2. 4 mags up front is plenty for me. I normally have a double BFG Ten Speed pouch on the front of the Spiritus, and two more on my PC cummerbund, plus a shooters belt. I could comfortably carry 9-10 MP5 mags if I really wanted to... Do you mean quick-detatch (QD)? If so, it's already QD - the velcro panel is the only part that's threaded onto the plate carrier. I just either swap inserts into the Spiritus rig, or I use a different placard (Placard example: https://www.uktactical.com/product/warrior-assault-systems-warrior-removable-triple-molle-open-pouch-for-rpc-multicam-12395) If you're talking about mounting specific pouches on there instead (say you wanted two 3x sub gun pouches), you can get blank placards too: https://www.uktactical.com/product/warrior-assault-systems-warrior-molle-front-panel-for-recon-plate-carrier-multicam-12028 The T Bar buckles are at the British Tactical link I posted originally under "2 x Female Molle T-Bar Buckles"
  3. I also run a DCS, and the major downside to the design is it lacks the velcro and clips to mount placards. It's a faff to replace molle pouches during a game day. However, I've managed to get around this using a front velcro panel and some T-bar buckles. Front panel (6 Wide Loop Panel) and buckles from British Tactical (https://www.britishtactical.com/hl-adaptable-modular-system-parts/). You just mount it to the front of the plate carrier in place of your existing pouches I can now mount whatever placard I need easily and quickly. The Spiritus MK5 is my go-to for the MP5, and with the inserts it's quick to swap to 5.56 or 7.62. Added bonus - with a little more outlay, you can run the Spiritus MK5 as a standalone chest rig, which I do when it's really hot (or I'm feeling lazy). It's a really modular system.
  4. Nah, plenty of room left on that display
  5. If we're doing URGIs, here's my "recce" TM upper
  6. Check that the mag well is not wobbly. I had a similar issue with my first one - the mag well was pinned into the reciever but not welded in place, so it was possible to rock it back and forth. Took me ages to realise what was causing it to misfeed, because it would fire a few BBs and then the mag well would rock back slightly until I reinserted a mag (which rocked it back forward)
  7. I'd avoid SWAT like the plague. We ordered two VTGs in 2018 and never received them, nor a refund despite calling and emailing. Luckily I could claim back the money via Barclaycard, but my friend lost his money.
  8. Sprayed an old vaseline tin black, and glued some cotton wool inside to the top and bottom
  9. Eagle6 were doing MP5 compatible batteries with the MR30 connector. I did ask them if they'd also supply a conversion cable back to Deans (for charging), but they never replied.
  10. I'd personally avoid Earmors like the plague - as a group, we've had maybe 6 pairs between us over the last 2-3 years, and all but one pair (mine) have given up. If you're looking for a cheapish setup, I recommended the following to a friend and he's really chuffed with how well they work: Retevis first mic (Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01N5A2NHH/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00) Howard Leight ear pro (Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Honeywell-Howard-Leight-Foldable-Defender/dp/B001T7QJ9O?th=1) Then you just need a 3.5mm male-male cable to connect the two together. The cost of the Howard Leights' have gone up a bit since he bought them - I guess the conflict in Ukraine - but it's still a good setup for around £80.
  11. Impulse101 have them, although you'll almost certainly have to pay import duty on it.
  12. Yeah Wiitech repro parts on a TM AK-102. It's a little beast
  13. Quick question to the AFUK Hive Mind - those of you that have fitted the Magpul foregrip into their MP5s, what bits on the grip did you need to remove in order to get it to fit? I've just got one and it's too tight to slide over the receiver, so before I get the Dremel out I thought I'd get a steer on what needs to get thinned out.
  14. I’d definitely avoid the Dynamic Precision nozzles. The BB feed ramp broke on mine after half a mag 🙄
  15. Thanks chaps! Yeah I figured the 9.3" is the one for the 10.5", but wanted to double check. Here's my Flannel Daddy inspired 14" URGI. Want to swap the DBAL for an NGAL at some point
  16. Unrelated to the OP, but what URGI rail is that? I've built a 14" URGI with the 13" HAO rail, which is lovely, and have managed to grab a spare upper receiver and I'm tempted to put a short URGI rail on it. Looking at HAO they do two lengths - 9.3 and 10.5 and I'm wondering what length to pair with a 10.5" barrel.
  17. Worst: GHK MK18. Externally it's absolutely gorgeous, but Jesus wept the magazines are a nightmare. Initially they were so tight in the mag well I had to strip the gun and hammer down through the mag well to get them out. After significant sanding they're a better fit, but loading them with more than 15-20 BBs seems impossible. Hoping the aluminium feedlips will finally sort the gun out. Also had to replace the hop unit almost immediately as it would unwind after 10-15 shots. This is not what you expect after dropping the better part of a grand on a gun and mags. Favourite: The night and day difference from the GHK is the TM MWS. This is the gun I should have bought initially instead. Fun and accurate. It's now a 14" URGI based on Flannel Daddy's URGI recce build. Planning to get another upper if I can find one so I can do a CQB build too. Best: The gun that's always in the gun bag is a TM 416 Delta Custom. Solid and reliable. If I lost all my guns in a freak meteor strike, the Delta would be my first repurchase.
  18. Depends on the weather and the site. In the cold, I tend to run AEGs (although the MWS is still pretty reliable). On warm days with little wind then GBBs, but if it's windy (I'm looking at you, Imperium), then I'll take an AEG too because they simply provide more firepower. GBBs are more fun for me personally, so they're my default option, but I've always got an AEG backup in the bag.
  19. Oooh that's very nice. Repro or real steel parts? How hard were they to fit?
  20. Hi folks. I've recently added a TM AK-102 to the collection and am looking for build inspiration! Especially interested in stocks, as I'm not overly keen on the metal skeletal one
  21. Had to replace my TM nozzle the other week, as the front gas port plastic bit was bending back. This is the Dynamic Precision nozzle after approx 30 rounds yesterday, mid-game I'm not impressed. Got a Guns Modify one to try. What are peoples recommendations at the moment, as TM ones seem non-existent?
  22. We enjoyed both Citadel events, but then we're local to it so was minimal effort to get to. From what I'm reading on the tan FB page this weekend, I'm glad we missed this one. Doing a 500 mile round trip, paying £100 for the game plus hotels & food for the weekend is a lot for what sounds like a shitshow.
  23. Just treated myself to a HAO MK16 rail for the TM MWS. Really pleased with the quality - feels very solid.
  24. I know. However I resent having to buy an upper receiver (plus postage) because a 50p piece of sheet metal wasn't properly attached in the first place. I'm going to ask around and see if someone can scan and 3D print the missing bit instead.
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