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  1. Think the point is that the King Arms was the more reliable and easier to work on of the two. Ares of course are known for their excellent externals and crap internals.
  2. Probably just the standard model for now which is annoying. Keeping an eye on what LCT have to offer as well.
  3. Also a bit surprised to see not even a basic ETU/MOSFET included for an updated old gun. This is kind of becoming standard on allot of new AEGs, and King Arms have done this with other guns such as their old Thompsons.
  4. Looks to be an interesting year for FALs then. My money is one whoever puts out a decent L1A1 first.
  5. So, after over a decade of waiting looks like it’s finally back! Just hope this will include their L1A1s as well.
  6. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Ahh, the notoriously unreliable WE Luger. Selling as it just sits one the shelf and have held on to if for too long. Had this for many years (one of my first pistols) and tried almost every fix to get it to a state of bare basic functionality, and yet it’s still anyone’s guess, weather it will fire, spray gas everywhere, go full auto for the hell of it, or not even give me a dead man’s click. Terrible gas capacity, no hop, so also terrible accuracy and range, and low BB capacity. It’s a wonder why WE still make these. That said, while I wouldn’t trust my life with it, or recommend it as a reliable sidearm, it does still shoot (maybe 60% of the time), and in the end it will always have the charm of being a “Luger”, hence why I have kept it for so long. It’s heavily weathered, mostly from actual use but some artificial when I got it. Have replaced the grips with more authentic wood effect ones, and comes with two mags, one (the original) is slightly leaky at times. So if you have an airsoft tech death wish or just fancy a Luger for a cheep price, I will be happy to pass this along to anyone who will take it. £49 plus postage. Thanks.


    - GB

  7. The black tape was good enough, and saves allot of effort. Wouldn't notice it and haven't thought about it since. Scope cover was more tricky, as most sellers are custom leather makers charging hundreds per piece, as they are targeting owners of the real deal. People who spent multiple thousands on a real No4T are not going to be worried about a few hundred for a scope cover. That was until i found i guy on eBay, selling these for £40. Lucky for you he's still around. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/116230784081?itmmeta=01J2CDFY121MGFVYCMXW7K3CDR&hash=item1b0fe50451:g:GKkAAOSwcw1gnR6I
  8. Yeah, that's totally out of the question. I'm not even going to entertain that, after the massive pain it was to get to me.
  9. Paypals intervention is issuing a full refund, post a safe return of the gun to SWIT. Something which I’m not going to do, so I’ll probably just accept SWITs 60 dollar partial refund, and cut my losses on this. Could be allot worse, and lesson learned never to use them again, or order from outside the UK again.
  10. Put in the dispute through PayPal. Got a personal email response from SWIT today, offering a 60 dollar refund, or a return (which I'm definitely not going to do). Not sure if i should accept the partial refund or just ignore them and see what PayPal does.
  11. I did indeed. Good shout, thanks. If I don’t hear back from SWIT in the next few days, I’ll go through PayPal.
  12. Update for 2024. Not recommended at all. Ordered one of the new VFC XM16E1 GBB rifles off them about 3 months ago, and only just received what is the wrong gun today..... The XM model was not available in the UK so i thought id give SWIT a try. Was massively cheaper than on UK sites (Yes i know imports would come) and they were running a discount sale on orders over a certain price, so i figured even with postage and potential imports it would be less than bought here, and might not even have a fee if lucky. I also ordered a handful of mags and was pleasantly surprised at the checkout to find that the sale was taking off 40 dollars from every single item in my basket, making each mag almost free. Great i thought, what could go wrong? Few days later, i get an email from them saying this was a website error and i was only entitled to a single 40 dollars off. Considering i had already paid, i asked if they would honor the price presented to me, but they only responded to that with an invoice for the rest, and that they would only send the gun, no mags if i didn't pay it. Annoying, but fair enough i thought, worth asking anyway. After this i had no update from them for about a month, when i emailed with no replay, so had to resort to messaging on FB, where they let me know, the gun was ready but they were still waiting on the mags to arrive. Few days after that i get the email that the gun is now shipped. Arrives in the UK a few days after that, but now has to go through customs.... Customs send me an invoice for a whopping £170 extra, then hear nothing from them for 2 months, apart from very unreliable UPS updates, and phone calls which went nowhere. Gun finally arrives today after all that hassle and time (Very beat up and ripped box, presumably by customs, but also no protection on it from Swit apart from the paper wrapping), only to open it and see that I've been sent the M16A1 not XM16E1, which i ordered..... Weirdly, the packaging clearly has "XM16E1" written on it in bold marker pen, so idk how they screwed that up, but I'm sure as heck not gonna send it back after the struggle it was to get here. You could say i won a little here as the M16 was about 50 dollars more then the XM, but i still would of preferred the XM. Fortunately i do have an AEG XM so its not the end of the world, but that's besides the point of their mess up. Will see what they have to say, but now I've tried it, i never want to order from outside the UK again. Its just not worth the potential problems, wait times, lack of proper communication and support, inability to easily send an item back, and in the end, I've paid more or less the same as i would for this from a UK site..... Lesson learned, and i would suggest the same for anyone considering it. Maybe i was really unlucky, but i still wouldn't risk it now. XM model clearly written on the packaging, while the M16 clearly inside.
  13. Yes that's it. And its being knocked while I'm changing mags, so there is nothing in the gun to make it "bounce back".
  14. During the mag change I may briefly duck into cover or go to the knee. It’s during this process the mag catch sometimes gets brushed and depressed, on its own during motion. Not always but I have noticed it enough times to bother me. And even if it doesn’t, it just feels far too weak for my taste when I depress it, almost as if nothing there holding it. My £200 CYMA M16 does this far better and even holds the mock bolt back when cocked. A £500 Marui couldn’t figure this out? This guy suggests (2:50 time stamp), to wrap some heat shrink tube inside the mags paddle system for the catch. Not sure how much that will help, but might give it a go.
  15. Meaning it takes almost no effort to depress the catch after mag empty, and sometimes just goes by itself from a light brush on my gear or clothing. I know it’s not GBB, but I expected a bit more than that. I’m tempted just to disengage the whole system because of how useless it feels, unless I can add some resistance to it.
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