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Everything posted by RobHedley

  1. I don't understand? Having looked at your profile you have been selling stuff since the start of 2019? and as you say you have been on the site for nearly 2 years. How are still a Noob? This thread is a light hearted bit of entertainment and intended to offer 'Noobs' a bit of advice when it comes to purchasing so they don't pay over the odds due to the lack of experience. It is not a personal slight against you. People normally take it one of 2 ways. There are those that get the bit of ribbing, hands up, sort the price out and normally sell their stuff and then there are those that get all upset because they think they have been insulted somehow. Take it for what it is, like minded people with the same interest having a bit of a joke and helping out the 'Noobs'. If it your turn this morning then it will be someone else this afternoon.
  2. I love this thread!!! Every morning when I get into the office the first place I head to is here!! Just to see who has been triggered whilst I have been away. This has to be one of the top contenders!!
  3. I have to say that is a cool photo!!!! Also is your pistol grip hand stippled?
  4. Just as a heads up Dave’s Custom Airport sell a Gunfighter Grip clone for £14.00. I have one but have yet to fit it. https://www.davescustomairsoft.co.uk/GunfighterGBBRGrip?search=Bcm Saves paying full real steel prices although I did have to buy a real steel foregrip as couldn’t find a clone. i am currently looking for a clone stock that looks like the Gunfighter stock to complete my John Wick/ Tarran Tactical TR1 build.
  5. Welcome to the forum 👍


  6. I have no personal experience of PMags for the MWS but there have been quite a large amount of posts about people having feeding issues etc with PMags. I am sure someone with actual experience will give you the full facts but giving you a heads up.
  7. Wow 13!!! Are you the worlds strongest man!! I run 7 mags and that is heavy. Better to choose your shots wisely and use tactics to find better firing positions than to collapse in a sweaty heap as you are carrying your own weight in Mags 👍
  8. Oh yeah..... Skilled up to AF-UK Regular!! Wait...... am I sending too much time on this Forum??

    1. GAMBLE


      Well done! 👍

      I think the same thing.... simple answer, YES!!! 😂


  9. Totally agree. Let's see how it pans out and as a fellow MWS owner, I hope that TM have upheld their high standards in this.
  10. When watching the video, even at 5m, you can see the BBs dropping already as if there is no hop what so ever. I put it down that he hadn't adjusted it properly but after what @Wo1f posted it looks like it is a common issue with them. I have a Revolver with no hop up and that fires a better trajectory than this does. Got to love the auto translate on this video though!!!
  11. Adding a disclaimer to my point of UCAP allowing full auto. I only use semi auto and always have. I now use only real capacity Magazines in a Gas Blowback TM MWS so I really do need to only use single shot. I prefer it that way as it is more of a challenge, It is also way more satisfying when you get the kill from a few well placed shots as appose to simply pointing your barrel in the general direction and sending a swarm of BBs. My comment about UCAP allowing full auto was more of a statement of fact than a personal opinion. I personally do not have a problem with full auto in CQB as long as it is policed (which it is at the UCAP Bunker) but then again, saying that, I have been on the receiving end of a full auto peppering from 5 feet away by a very powerful (not saying illegal) rifle up the inside of my leg and up to my family jewels! I don't think it adds or takes away anything from CQB but it does open up an opportunity for f@cktards to annoy the f@ck out of people by abusing the privilege.
  12. The M249 needs some TLC so I have given myself a project to do over the Christmas Break. We have: Bullgear CNC Hop Up ZCI 6.02 tight bore barrel Prometheus Purple Bucking Prometheus Flat Hop Nub Gate Nano ASR MOSFET High Speed Gears Nuprol High Torque Motor gearbox bushings Aluminium Piston and Piston head Aluminium Cylinder head Sorbothane piston pad 5.56mm Dummy Rounds I am looking to increase the ROF and also make it more reliable as it has been a pain in the ass up until now. I also treated the new MWS John Wick build to some keymod Rail sections and a Magpul clone sling mount. And finally I managed to get a boonie that actually fits my unfeasibly large nogin.
  13. I don’t need a third MWS, I don’t need a third MWS.....
  14. Hey Tokyo-Jo, Correct, there is a small pin that fits into the end of the spring at the take down pin side. It has a rounded end which then fits into the slot on the rear takedown pin and stops it from falling off. Let me know if you can't get hold of one as I may have one knocking around in my spares.👍
  15. Just had a look at the Modify X Range of Buckings. Very interesting approach but as @Davegolf states hopefully made of a slightly more robust material. I have 2 spare Modify Tan buckings but will look at getting one of these for my DMR Build.
  16. Hopefully not as expensive as the JW conversion kit. The only reason I have the JW kit is because of the great deal I got from LVOA-D when he gave up Airsoft....... well for the 3 days he gave it up anyway! If Angry Gun price it right, they will sell like hot cakes to scratch all MWS owners 416 itch!!
  17. Welcome to the Club. Once you go MWS you can never go back!!! I now have 2, a CQB-R and DMR build.
  18. Pistol and Shotgun nights are a good idea. UCAP do it at the Prison down in Portsmouth and it allows for, in my opinion, a different game experience. No more hosing at close range due to the severe lack of ammo compared to a bloody drum mag on an ARP9 etc. and it takes a bit more skill to actually hit someone. You spend less time walking through the site with you hand up/torch on shouting Dead man with the absolute fear as you step out into the open, only to be hit by a barrage of BB's mainly in the arse cheeks!!. Also it cuts down the stalemate on stairs etc (it does happen but less often) as it is harder to hold with single shots as appose to just sending large quantities of BB's down the stairwell (UCAP allow full auto indoors but it has to be short bursts and it is enforced by the Marshals)
  19. My recently finished MWS DMR build. Based on the Taran Tactical TR1 that was used in John Wick 2 etc. Using the Angry Gun John Wick Conversion kit (which I got for a song from a friend on this forum!). Fitted with a Vision King 1-4 x 20 IR Scope and a real steel BCM vertical grip. I am still to change the Butt Stock and the Pistol Grip for the real steel version. Once this is done it will have the same furniture as the real steel TR1. Internally it is a standard MWS apart from a Prometheus 6.03 375mm Barrel, Modify Tan Bucking and SixG Brad’s Nub. I have yet to chrono it so no idea what it is firing at. Can’t wait to use it once the weather starts warming up again!
  20. Also steer clear of the War Mag speed loader specifically for the MWS. I originally didn't have a problem with it as it worked but as soon as I used to regularly then its internals crapped themselves and are beyond repair as it is all glued together.
  21. Very nice Rifle and you will love the red dot. So quick to aquire a target. Remember to keep both eyes open instead of using it like a scope (not wanting to teach you how to suck eggs as you may already know. There are quite a few people that use it like a rifle scope) 👍
  22. And she is complete! My MWS Taran Tactical TR1 / John Wick DMR Build. Not an exact copy as the real steel stuff as supplied on the original TR-1 is sooooo expensive. The scope mount itself is about £300 (from memory) so I have found the closest I can. Internally it has a Prometheus 6.03 370mm inner barrel, Modify Tan Bucking and the essential SixG Nub (props to Dave). A trip to Dave’s Custom Airsoft on the way home tonight where I picked up the scope as well as a Chrono so I will be testing the output tomorrow. My initial first shots were very impressive with .3 gram BB’s. Must have flown 60m straight without me touching the hop up. What do we think guys?
  23. Idiot alert!!! Ignore my previous post. I was calling it a night and packing the various JW Kit and MWS parts away and I saw a small sealey bag with a single weird component in. On closer inspection it was the exact shape of the lozenge shaped slot. Poops. All fitted and I am smiling again. walk away citizens, get on with your lives, nothing to see here.... Yep, it was tucked inside another bag of parts that’s was mixed in with some MWS parts. I must have put it in there when I was trying to work out what everything was.
  24. Well that’s annoying!! I finally found some time to do some more in the John Wick and all was going great. Upper finished and moved onto the lower. Trigger mechanism in with a little bit of filing to allow the last shot stop/bolt release to move freely. Fitted the fire selector, fine. Then I went to fit the buffer stop that sits just in front of the buffer tube. Bloody shit! As you can see from the photos, the slot on my Block 1 is rectangular shaped and obviously the actual stop is the same shape as can be seen from the photo with my thumb in it. However the one on the Angry Gun JW lower, as can be seen from the other photo is more of a lozenge shape. The crux of the matter is ‘it don’t fit!’. Has anyone seen a buffer stop that is that shape on an MWS? I assume it is a fault in manufacturing but it looks too well finished. Short of machining the corners off the stop I have (which would have to be done with a dremel as I no longer have access to a milling machine) I really don’t know how to solve this. Over to you MWS geniuses for ideas pointers. Ta.
  25. Come on guys..... I am bored at work, it's Friday and I have read every post that I care about and a lot of posts I couldn't care less about. At this rate I will have to start working again. Get those posts in....... please....

    1. Solly4568


      Yeah for the love of god somebody get mad on Mac's please, its been so long since somebody "politely" disagreed over the fact that their CM16 with a "sick" paint job might not be worth £500 🤣

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