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Everything posted by Airsoft-Ed

  1. Cheers, Hugh. We did actually meet once, very briefly in Patrol Base. Dave introduced us. Joe was there too, though I forget his forum username. It's a "Contour ROAM HD" The ROAM2 has come out since, as its successor, so I'd bet you can pick my model up for next to nothing now. It was about £200 last year, but Amazon had a sale and reduced it to £140, which is when I bought it. I was told that the ROAM2s are being sold for around £140 new now, so the original ROAMs must be kids'-pocket-money cheap. Though you could just get the ROAM2 I guess lol, I think they record in higher frames for smoother video, but I'm quite happy with the quality as it is.
  2. So was it Tris? I'm surprised, Tris seems like a fair guy. I was going to put my money on it being Spicer, what with his previous visit to skirmish and his lack of sportsmanship caught on camera by Coldy, and exposed on YouTube, names and all. But yeah, fair play to Adam we probably ought to stop leading away from BD's loadout thread... I'll talk to you about it on Saturday, Ian. Unless we both forget... Which is probably highly likely lol.
  3. Stuffing my face with cow and lettuce. I'm like that rabbit from The Holy Grail.

    1. beermonsta


      Vicious wee beast of Caerbannog

  4. I think my entire area might've been caught up in a "Wizard of Oz" style hurricane and transported to Asia... It appears to be monsoon season there at the moment.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Airsoft-Ed


      I know I am.


      But... What? =/

    3. Tariq


      20c is hot? My room is currently 34c :P

    4. TacMaster


      20 is hot four outside. It IS england, tariq, and we're famous for our wet summers

  5. I have a mate called Sam who was filming in a more Scoutthedoggie style, so I just used his camera footage, cropped it, and stuck it in a corner. Then sometimes I just zoom my main camera in, and do the same thing. So it's the same footage, just zoomed and cropped in editing.
  6. I found an amazingly good video about installation the other day, I think it's a little easier to follow than forum posts, take a look: Also, I think I might get two sets and install one in my L85, with any luck it ought to solve my issues with the hop arm spring being shit.
  7. Everyone seen this? Might be something fun to try... Or it might not. Still, ought to be some good photos coming out of it haha https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152003180928975.1073741865.167596103974&type=1

    1. Moose87


      bahaha awesome, dont see alot of women in airsoft. i would vote for the one all in black or the one after that.

    2. Bottledtorment


      Hnnng the girl in black with skull shemeagh . She could touch my gun any day :P

  8. Yeah, R hop is definitely on the "to-buy" list. Which one do you have? Linkies?
  9. It's all standard at the moment, so nothing to write home about. L96 cut barrel, VSR style black bucking and a VSR style plastic hop arm, which I've added a biro ink tube nub to, since it's just two prongs otherwise. Still can't lift anything higher than .30s though. Got some .43s and the hop has to be applied to the point where the barrel jams before the BBs fly straight.
  10. The 2nd sear is VSR compatible, the spring guide stopper is VSR compatible too, but the 1st sear - the thing that the others sort of sit in at 90° is unique. Tried an ASPUK VSR one and the back end of it is different. Seems alright though, I can't see how it can really be under that much strain. Do they often break? =/ The stock 2nd/piston sear doesn't even have a mark on it yet either, spring guide stopper is the only thing that looks like its seen better days. The cylinder cuts into it each time you cock the rifle, so I've got a replacement by PDI, but it's slightly fatter and the gun won't close once it's fitted because the groove that sticks out the side for you to grab it, sticks out too far and catches on the body as you close it up, stopping you being able to close it properly. The trigger box is metal though, and it seems well enough, though ideally, I want to keep all the parts alive as long as possible, since spares are limited. No after market trigger boxes fit and I can't find anywhere that sells the one it comes with, so yeah. Bit limited.
  11. I've put ASPUK parts in the cylinder so far - piston and spring guide - seal seems alright. I've got two springs that run around the 400fps mark and it seems pretty consistent. Bolt pull isn't too bad, but pushing it forward is a pain in the arse, you end up pushing it down and away from you, it pivots on your forward hand and the strain it puts in your arm is ridiculous. With it being so massive and heavy, it can be hard to handle without bracing it against something. So an easier bolt push would be nice to have. Though probably not worth paying that much for... In fairness, the stock cylinder probably would stand up to a fair amount of abuse with a 500 fps set up, but I think I'd rather upgrade everything anyway eventually, so I might as well start somewhere. It's a shame the X-Fire set isn't black, 'cos I fucking hate having a massive shiny silver bolt...
  12. As a more practiced user of snipers, do you reckon that's worth it?
  13. Can you link it again once it's on the English site? If the price isn't too bad I think I'll pick one up too.
  14. Ah, very promising stuff. I'd be happy buying that and then working with the hop and barrel to get it shooting nicely. Only worry now is the trigger parts. Nice find, I hope it gets sold more widely soon, I want to be able to read the info about it and understand the checkout before trying and failing to pay for it lol.
  15. I have a target for Oscar, his first hit. My cat. Here are some reference photos for identification: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151500181977913&set=a.194056937912.125941.609402912&type=3&theater And here's a video for some more clarification:
  16. Last one for now. And a bonus video, taken with my phone, of my cat:
  17. Another new video:

  18. I think you're the most buff person I've ever seen airsofting, ever haha. Screw the game, you could do the film.
  19. I don't think I've got the link anymore, I'll have to look through my eBay history when I get back home.
  20. New video:

    1. Namaco


      Is that a camera on the right side on the rail or laser module?


      And is it me or some people dont like taking the hits because it seems that some of ur BB's did hit them lol

    2. Airsoft-Ed


      Yeah, it's a Laser Light Module.

      My gun was shooting slightly left once it got past about 35m, so the longer range shots I was missing a fair bit. It wasn't so bad on the other game fields but it's quite hard to pick out white BBs against a darkish woodland background.

  21. I've got a genuine pair, they were only £25, came new with the original tags on them as well. I had some fake ones prior that were £15 and both the fakes and the new ones have torn inside the thumbs, but not to a great extent, it's only something you'd notice if I pointed it out. They both have some odd little round things on the finger tips as texturing though, for grip. On the fakes they all came off so easily I thought they might've been stickers. On the real ones they're still there, but they've worn down. I actually think the fake ones are significantly more comfortable, but the real ones are real and they do look cooler without the daft shiny, fake carbon fibre knuckles. All in, I use the real ones, not the fakes. So take from that what you will. I've had them for about 6 months now as well, and I skirmish more or less every week.
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