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  • Guns
    CYMA CM.045 AKS-74UN, CM.077 AK-102 Antonov, 2x ASG CZ P-09, ICS HERA CQR S3, ICS CES-P MP5 MS1
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    KillHouseCQB near Shrewsbury
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  • Interests
    Airsoft (duh), CG graphics, gaming, board games, cycling, motorcycles

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  1. I'm afraid I don't have good answer to that. I've bought membership in March literally couple of days before lockdowns and courtesy of site owner he didn't start my membership until July when they could reopen, therefore I'm not exactly aware how long does it normally take.
  2. When my site registered me I've received email to address I've used for my membership registration from [email protected], it looks like this:
  3. Yea if you hit 300-ish fps (mine from LandWarrior goes 310) it double cycles on semi every few shots. I have literally same issue with my ICS guns that were downgraded to UK market tad bit too much. I run mine at 7.4v for now since I have more of these that fit the damn thing to begin with but after I get apropriate spring to get it to 345-350 range I would probably swap to 11.1v and see how it goes. For now it sometimes can lock up on semi if you spam the trigger - needs to swap into full auto, fire a burst and can go back to semi. With cutoff on empty I never know whether it locked up or just need to reload since mags are quite tight (if you load them full the bendy joint follower can get stuck and you need to disassemble the whole magazine... I personally run them at 90rds)
  4. So I've said a week ago that I can't buy anything anymore this month... well, I was wrong 😅 Classifieds and Prefired: ASG Dan Wesson 715 4'' (the one with RIS rail), 26 low power shells and leather belt with bullet loops ASG Scorpion EVO 3 2018 with 11.1v battery, 3 smoked mid caps, 1 black mid cap and 1 high cap, CNC trigger and 2020 mosfet upgrades, all packaged in dedicated soft-shell carrying EVO case Warfet with programming card wired in Warfet cut out from other gun as well as Viper pistol mag insert and pistol holster insert sleeves Cool! I'm gonna get similar setup but for Glock to run with AAP-01, assuming they will be in stock few months down the line... because they more often aren't
  5. It has it's own mags - if you have loose pouch with flaps for m4/ak you can easily hold two inside, if it's tight mag pouch then I guess you're out of luck... that being said I hold my MP7 mags in M4 sleeves no problem - it's only a problem when mag is larger than the pouch Btw. mine arrived just now - the only thing different from stock is CNC trigger, otherwise stock performance on 11.1v Brrrrt - YouTube If you like MP5 new tacticool series from CYMA are GREAT straight out of the box. CM.041L Upgraded Version [CYMA] | Mini Review and 50m Test [5K] - YouTube
  6. Funny that you mention that, this just arrived Brrrrt - YouTube
  7. If you're willing to dabble in 2nd hand market, you can fish out ICS MARS series M4s with SSS (or S3) mosfet in that price range. From personal experience they're quite good and really well built, they come with microswitch trigger and mosfet has the essential functions (auto to burst, pre-cocking, spring release on safe, self diagnostics and lipo protection cutoff, they all come with EBB which thankfully can be disabled. They work great out of the box, have real quick change spring system (due to split gearbox all you have to do is to pop the pin, open upper receiver, take out spring and put different one back in, slam upper back and put the pin back - there, you're done in 20 seconds) and have superb externals. Btw. I'm not exaggerating with those 20s spring change: World record spring changing 😉 Ics Cxp Mars Komodo - YouTube
  8. I will just throw things that I've seen on Classifieds that IMHO are good purchase - full disclaimer, I do not know any of these people. Brand new doesn't necessarily mean trouble free. Just remember to ALWAYS do transactions through PayPal and paying for product or service (NOT FAMILY AND FRIENDS), if someone wants a bank transfer - just avoid it. At 250gbp, 2018 version ASG CZ Scorpion EVO3 allegedly used only 2 times, with 2 batteries, extra mags and accesories is in my opinion a steal - brand new gun with 1 mag and no extras (which are 20gbp each give or take) sells for 319gbp (and you need UKARA). 2020 version to my knowledge has just updated electronics (which can be purchased separately as an upgrade, would you so desire). EVO is considered one of best AEGs out of the box and is often appearing in recommendations for new and veteran players alike - it's a proven construction with long track record of reliability. It's quirk is a system implemented, that some either love or hate, that stops fire on empty mag and require pressing bolt catch release after loading new mag in to be able to shoot again. Great for that realism factor, bad for fast reloads if you're not used to it... also most seasoned airsoft players immediately assume their gun just broke when it stops firing ASG CZ Scorpion EVO 3 A1 - Electric Rifles - Airsoft Forums UK (airsoft-forums.uk) It's great at a distance, can fold stock to be even more compact for tight CQB action, it's lightweight due to it's polymer construction while not being fantasy gun (like G&G ARP9), it's one of the few airsoft replicas created in collaboration with manufacturer of the real firearm. As a matter of fact I have my very own 2nd hand EVO arriving today ------ If you're into tacticool M4s, this is also a great RIF: HERA ARMS CQR - Prefired Comes with built in SSS mosfet that brings pre-cocking for that crisp semi-auto trigger response, spring release on switching fire selector to "safe" and gearbox diagnostics (so when gun shits the bed mid game you can have rough idea of what's the issue), can switch full auto to 3rd burst, has ICS signature split gearbox for easier maintenance and quick change spring - comes with HERA ARMS licensed furniture which is an acquired taste. Gambit’s Guide: How To Configure Your HERA ARMS CQR – RedWolf TV - YouTube
  9. If you buy second-hand you don't really NEED UKARA - needless to say over the last 30 purchases via airsoft forums and prefired I've been asked for UKARA only twice... people generally don't care from what I've noticed. L85 kinda stinks (at least AEGs, gas one is pretty nice)... for some reason most AEG bullpups do. I only pulled the trigger on battered down ARES SOC-AR and it's a weighty chonker with some questionable ergonomics unless you're a leftie but it shoots like a dream and has crisp electronic trigger - I've heard good reviews of KelTec RDB too and intend of eventually getting one myself after I knock few more things out of my wishlist. Don't get too caught up with the platform - for all intents and purposes this is just cosplay, except for big tiddy anime girls there are big children with toy guns - in vast majority of circumstances your pistol will perform just as good as your sniper I would say get something that works out of the box with minimal to zero input required, maybe with some bells and whistles. There will be time and place to get into teching but if it's going to be your first and only gun for a while you need a workhorse Volkswagen not Alfa Romeo that will spend most of the time at mechanics. I couldn't talk my friend I've introduced to airsoft out of FAMAS F1 and it spends more time at tech than in the actual game. If you're after M4 platform ICS MARS series with SSS (or S3) mosfet is an absolute dream.
  10. Is that L85A2 love for the gun design, British patriotism or just like bullpups? Also what's your budget?
  11. Was on my first game since last year... holy shit I'm unfit as fuck from 6 months of being couch potato 😂


    Also Saturday game was pretty hardcore, my right arm alone looks like I stuffed it into angry hornet's nest...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rogerborg


      I thought I'd got back in shape through cycling, but no, it's an entirely different set of muscles. And joints too, apparently.

    3. ziCk_


      Haha, yea that awkward moment when you rediscover muscles of which existence you werent previously aware... to be fair though for me aside from knees and hips (which I guess this is how I am at this point in life) got only massive muscleache in tighs. Needless to say right now I'm not on very good terms with stairs... or small inclines 🤣

    4. MiK


      I am dreading this coming Sunday - I will either die out on the field (with my boots on of course) whilst playing or wish I had indeed died come Monday morning !! 🥴

  12. Does anyone know of and can recommend indoor arena in Shropshire? (+- 30miles out of Shrewsbury at most, otherwise I will never make it in time...)

    My CQB arena got fucked over by constant lockdowns, they've opened barely before corona kicked off. I'm sad now :( 

  13. Quick update - they've made decision to close down Killhouse: last game will be at the end of June. Site originally opened in February just before corona kicked off and struggled due to constant lockdowns, restrictions and since business didn't exist for X months before lockdowns, they couldn't get govt help (at least that's my understanding, since my friend's business suffered for similar reasons). It's a real shame because that's the only site I could attend really due to work and distance so I guess I'm putting airsoft on indefinite hiatus
  14. Why such awesome offers show up ONLY after I go on a shopping spree and am broke?
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