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  1. Like
    ziCk_ got a reaction from Hudson for a status update, Oh look, ANOTHER month of lockdown - because obviously last 3 months weren’t a coloss   
    Oh look, ANOTHER month of lockdown - because obviously last 3 months weren’t a colossal waste of time and money and didn’t cost thousands of jobs in the process... SMH, anyone hiring? I don’t feel like I’m going to make it through next redundancy wave...
  2. Sad
    ziCk_ reacted to Impulse for a status update, No more airsoft until December it seems, and my parcel from HK just arrived allowing   
    No more airsoft until December it seems, and my parcel from HK just arrived allowing me to bling up my p226 with a suppressor and light
  3. Like
    ziCk_ reacted to MiK for a status update, Decided to slap my tracer on my AAP-01 and turn on the “Fun Switch” sorry for wobbly   
    Decided to slap my tracer on my AAP-01 and turn on the “Fun Switch”
    sorry for wobbly piccie couldn’t see jack till I started to fire

  4. Haha
    ziCk_ reacted to Shamal for a status update, "Brand new.Only fired once in garden" Did you hate it so much that you fired one shot   
    "Brand new.Only fired once in garden" 
    Did you hate it so much that you fired one shot and instantly realised you had made a terrible,terrible mistake!
    I laugh when I read that opening 'cliche' it's on a par with second hand cars "one careful owner." The other ten didnt give a fuck!
  5. CoolAF
    ziCk_ reacted to AK47frizzle for a status update, I've made a 3d printed lightweight bbu for the cz75 and it's insane:   
    I've made a 3d printed lightweight bbu for the cz75 and it's insane: 
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