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hitmanNo2 last won the day on November 14 2024

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  • Guns
    I like 1911s...
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    M81 & Desert night camo before it was cool
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  1. Name and shame with negative feedback. Everyone needs to know to avoid this seller. That was not done in transit (assuming original/secure box etc) so either the seller broke it before hand or OP did. Considering the seller conveniently doesn't have any photos to prove otherwise (who does that?), I think it's fair to assume...
  2. Agreed. Boom has probably had the most money from me from all the HK shops. I wouldn't worry. Sometimes the tracking system takes a while to update. Going to PayPal for a 9 day old order is a little much...
  3. I think they took the length minus the flash hider or something like that which screwed it all up iirc.
  4. TM MWS has the most aftermarket support. It wouldn't surprise me if you could buy each component individually and build one from the ground up. Pretty much any HK shop will carry MWS parts. GHK QC has gone down the toilet on their rifles so I would tread carefully. I think the current recommendation is avoid or get a sorted used one. Spares are available from Samoon. Fairly reasonably priced iirc. I could be wrong but I think the TM MP7 is notoriously difficult for getting hold of spares. That said, it's pretty reliable so not a massive problem until it is. Also, it's not to scale and feels like a toy compared the the WE and VFC offerings. In summary, yes expect your GBB to "break" but unless you have terrible bad luck it will be what are considered consumable items like nozzles and springs etc which are recommended to have a few spare on hand to swap in should something fail.
  5. hitmanNo2

    Raptor PKP


    • Wanted
    • Used or as new

    Anyone have a Raptor PKP they want to sell me?


  6. Dumbest rule I have ever heard of. Wtf is the site thinking...
  7. Can it? Yes. Should you? Yes. Have I? Yes. Even an AA12. No one has ever queried it. They're typically lower power than your average AEG anyway.
  8. With Octagon, it's less of a customs problem. More that their order processing speed can only be described as glacial.
  9. I assume it doesn't function with the slide off either?
  10. "Green gas" magazines so hopefully they've gone with a conventional system.
  11. Announced at Show Show 2025 (at least that's where I first saw it), MOS Manufacture are doing an AK-12 GBBR. Release is "soon" but currently at prototype stage so quite a while off I'd expect.
  12. Why would you chrono on a .2? That's ridiculous. Is that at the request of the site? If so, they need a slap.
  13. Lpred is a Chinese ballistic helmet right? Excessive weight for Airsoft. The FMA Team Wendy bump helmet is solid and very good for the price. I think I got one for £35. The dial retention system is good, the stock padding is pretty OK and the NV mount works as it should.
  14. I've seen a few fixed carry handle uppers for TM MWS printed in PA12 by Airtac. They look pretty decent.
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