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hitmanNo2 last won the day on November 14 2024

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    I like 1911s...
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    M81 & Desert night camo before it was cool
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  1. Why would you chrono on a .2? That's ridiculous. Is that at the request of the site? If so, they need a slap.
  2. Lpred is a Chinese ballistic helmet right? Excessive weight for Airsoft. The FMA Team Wendy bump helmet is solid and very good for the price. I think I got one for £35. The dial retention system is good, the stock padding is pretty OK and the NV mount works as it should.
  3. I've seen a few fixed carry handle uppers for TM MWS printed in PA12 by Airtac. They look pretty decent.
  4. At least TM are providing free replacements for anyone that gets one.
  5. Have you spoken to your source recently? They're still very much saying no new TM Glocks huh?
  6. Unless there's a translation issue, it seems pretty clear it's referring to shipped products. Are you see evidence of any Gen 5s shipped? Ever?
  7. Fyi, don't buy from Tokyo Marui Airsoft. That's not actually TM. They're using TM's name without consent. Pretty dodgy. Plenty of UK shops. Or WGC Shop, Boom Arms etc in HK. Impulse101 in Japan.
  8. Who knows man. If you go by that calender though, the Gen 5 was released in 2023 but none were shipped... Neither were any shipped in 2024 that I can see...So something isn't right. All we have to go is multiple retailers saying more were shipped from the manufacturer and they were taking pre orders. Presumably from the distributor.
  9. Well you can now order G18s and Gen 4 G17s so yeah, pretty sure Link to the product calendar you're looking at? Maybe it's just not updated.
  10. Nope. Shipments from TM to multiple retailers.
  11. Doesn't help op but maybe someone else. Evening games at SCCQB on a Thursday. Get there whilst you can as it's closing in March ☹️ Ironsight has every other Friday evening games during winter. Camoraids does Friday evening games. Special Ops in MK do Wednesday and Friday evening games.
  12. There are no markings on them whatsoever? Nothing on the baseplates?
  13. Pics show trades. I can't see them advertising pre-orders and than swapping out the product. We'll see I guess.
  14. No word on the Gen 5 but things seem promising...
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