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CrackCommandoUnit1972 last won the day on March 29 2023

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1 Follower

Profile Information

  • Guns
    TM Mp5k, G&G Mp5 A4, Mp5 SD6, ASG AUG A1, Frankenstein M4, WE G17, WE G39c GBB, CM702C, MP9., AK74
  • Loadouts
    DPM, DYE I4 mask, Condor chest rig, MTP stuff
  • Sites
    Various sites in the North West
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  1. Tell you missus that your RIF cost $1 billion Austin Powers style and she might laugh without asking any further questions.
  2. Even though I vowed not to buy another rig, I just had to have this WE MP5 gbb. Not shoot it properly yet but it feels great and much more substantial than my aeg one. I will dress it up with red dots and mlok handguards in due course
  3. I went to their new shop the other day. It's big and they have plenty of rifs in. I deliberately did not pick any up as I would just ended up getting the credit card out.
  4. As an update, I ended up getting what I needed from Defcon Airsoft.
  5. Update I have had no follow up by email and I have tried ringing the company without any success. I raised a dispute with PayPal who automatically refunded my money. So a success of sorts. Now I just have to find somewhere that is selling WE MP5 GBB mags at a reasonable price..............
  6. I will harass them tomorrow. If not will raise a complaint with pay pal and try and get my money back as gbb mags are not the cheapest things
  7. Hello, Anyone have any experience of dealing with Airsoft Direct? I ordered a couple of GBB magazines a few weeks ago. According to the website, my order is still being processed even though money has gone out of my bank to pay for them No response to emails and no one it picking up the phone. I paid via pay pal so might raise a complaint with them. I paid for 1-5 day delivery so I should have had them over a week ago
  8. GBBR is the future. I always let people with AEGs have a few shots with mine just to see their faces light up when they feel that sweet recoil action. I love mine and it shoots great on 0.3g bbs. I always run six 30 round mags and a few speed loaders, so I can reload really quickly in the field. Breaks between games then gives me a chance to gas my mags and fill my speed loaders so I rarely find myself running out of ammo. Don't worry about being outgunned. Once you have adjusted your game to semi auto only, you will find that 30 bbs can actually go a long way. Doing the basics of actually aiming and trying to pick your shots before you pull the trigger with increase the odds of hitting the target and reduce how many shots you need to take. .
  9. Try using Nuprol 1.0 gas before you start butchering your lovely rif. It has a lower PSI than your standard green gas.
  10. The more I look this, there more I want it.
  11. A WE G36 is a good starter gun. However, make sure it has a NPAS fitted as it can run super hot. Also, the mags are much thicker than standard M4 type mages so you would need to buy bigger pouches to fit them in. When I use GBB's in game, I normally take six mags in with me, which means the extra expense of buying them. I suppose you can get away with four mags if you are conservative with shots and have cover to hide behind when you are reloading. Then there is the gas, you will needs a few different power types depending on the time of year you play. So it all adds up. BUT, the most important thing with GBB's is that they are super fun and once you start playing with them, you won't want to ever go back to using AEG's.
  12. You local field will usually have someone there who is good at trouble shooting for you. It could be a simple fix but until you get someone to look at it, you won't know.
  13. The KWA MP9. It's only a little bit bigger than a pistol and they are about £200. However, the mags run about £50 each.
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