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Everything posted by Enid_Puceflange

  1. Not the biggest sinner But still trying to sell for more than you can get new! And wants postage on top! I was interested until I found it brand new from Ali at £26 , all in, delivered
  2. Enid_Puceflange

    Multicam bits

    Hi bud What size does the belt go to?
  3. Id try contacting Kingdom of Airsoft in Dundee I went up to visit them during lockdown (I know, I know) I was having an issue with a Scar and they found a part was broken that was to activate the empty mag cut off The part wasn’t available, and they were having components made , 3D printed in metal by an offshore engineering company (that a player worked at) That was like 2 yrs ago, so you never know what they have achieved now 😉
  4. I picked up a ghk that’d been two toned 🤦🏻‍♂️ Managed to restore that properly 👌
  5. I’m led to believe that bios do their stuff about 3 millennia faster than non bios so a couple of weeks in an opened bag, then handled before being spat out a tube an hour later will make no difference. Maybe if you opened them just as your spacecraft entered a Black Hole, and you popped out an hour or so later…. It’s a Shame Hawkins isn’t still kicking about to help us out 😂
  6. It being his first rif, I truly hope it was two-toned 😂😂 Ive experienced a couple of high end RIF’s with red paint on em 🙄
  7. Talking of 50% of a two tone being painted… Just out of interest, what do you think the legalities are of one side of the gun being painted blue 100%? 🤷🏻‍♂️
  8. Nicer made than the oem one! lovely craftsmanship 👌
  9. Good that it worked Ive always used unleaded to remove the sprayed finish on two toned toys
  10. Quite a performance difference between mk1’s & mk2’s mate mk1 is compatible with mk3 shells and are “gas in shell” type mk2 is a gas bolt, which unless you want to hpa it, is a bit naff just a bit of info for you in case you didn’t know 👍
  11. I think in here, we all have the same percentage of “cuntyness” - so we pretty much all get along quite nicely 😉
  12. Hydrate Drink water Hydrate And take the Monday after a good skirmish off work! 😉
  13. Howsabout a notch to slip in & secure an AirTag like device ?
  14. The owner has probably forgotten to pay the bill for hosting Seen it before
  15. Aaaawwwww shucks, thanks man! ☺️ Edit: just realised you didn’t mean me! 😁
  16. Try an epoxy, like Gorilla or Araldite after keying I think superglue is no good when it comes to the violence of the movement Epoxy will be better, but will probably still give out after prolonged use bud
  17. Nothing to see here then Not real steel similar, but probably not a kick in the shoulder off it (According to Dr Garand when he did Milsim West)
  18. Yeah, I’m struggling to find a silicone liner in stock anywhere. It’s a definite necessity 👍
  19. A few velcro straps might fit to your chest rig straps, but probably better in your case with some sort of Camelback system
  20. Hi bud, it pretty simply slips into the rear of your PC , in the area you would fit a Plate. I was using swimming floats to give my PC some structure, which it did but was also kinda hot and sweaty So this does the same job but stops me having to have bottles in my dump pouch or Mini MAP Pack on the back (I had to ask other players to get my water out for me) Pain in the ass! https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004599214864.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.5.5f651802VEAWRI
  21. Bought a couple of optics recently , but realised slowly that gun stuff is really only part of the buying cycle. Comfort and practicality needed a bit of focus So bought an easier method of carrying hydration (for me) , I don’t dig the camelback molle’d onto the back of my PC , and seeing as there is space for it inside as I had mock foam plates in it to give it shape, I got one of these. And a proper Odin speed loader. I’ve tried the clones, they just shit themselves after a couple of outings. Highly recommended..
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