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Adolf Hamster

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Status Updates posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. well, barrels are cleaned, scopes and goggles are clean, batteries are charged, mags are gassed and filled, speedloaders are topped up.


    roll on tomorrow, think i'll try and get all 3 running and just not bother re-loading between games just change gun.

  2. Everythings different yet the same.


    Its weird.....

  3. Good days shooting today, e&l worked just fine and the jack is doing stirling work in the m4.


    Boots were great, shame my legs arent

  4. Well todays pistol shooting was fun, long guns less so.

  5. finally putting the effort into getting the m4 firing 1j on the dot, feels good

  6. don't you just hate when something isn't working and you're damned if you can figure out whats wrong with it....

  7. urgh, really want to go airsofting now the mg&m4 are on top form and my grenade is finally working again.


    roll on the 13th, checking out a new site and we're rolling out all the hpa's and support guns we can get our hands on

  8. well, for the 6th time "i've got the f2000 to feed"....


    only problem is it's a little low on the ol' fps and i lack the spring to get it up to par.

  9. Y'know with all the forum updates recently i'd have thought we'd be able to entice a better quality spambot :P

  10. Goddamn gate ab mosfets and their ability to stop right at the sweet spot to lock the trigger.....

  11. well, it's D-day for this project, printer's working overtime, hard to believe this is it.

  12. well, that's the m4 and the ak fixed.


    now just to get a new barrel for the sig....

  13. ahh e&l, masters of the stumpy spring :P

  14. well, i done fixed the vsr for the most part, might need a new mag for feeding proper and a scope mount, but after that it's just tweaking and pewing.

  15. RIP Prince Philip


    99's one hell of an innings

  16. So decided to give the f2000 a little love this sunday, re-did seals etc she's pretty decent consistency on the chrono, hopefully that's the last time.


    Kinda wish gate would hurry up and figure out a way to titan a v6 already, because atm it seems decent semi auto is always going to be the fevered dream of a madman on this thing.

  17. well, today's bi-monthly redesign of load carrying rig has revealed the viper pouches i've had for years had a second velcro adjustment so i can actually fit my speedloader in one. which is great because it gives me much more room over the double pouch i was using.

  18. why did i decide to try refinishing the makarov with aluminium black, soooooo much sanding......

  19. i should write a book "when springs go sproing: a tale of one man and his mission to avoid having to crawl around under tables"


    i think i could rival the brothers karamazov for page count.

  20. at moment in metro when you go for a sweet ass throwing knife kill, and you had a grenade equipped.....

  21. converter arrived for the mg42, working perfectly. now i just need to get the rest of it fixed and i'll be back to generating hatred at 1200rpm :P

  22. well, just camo netted the vsr, this is almost certainly going to end badly....

  23. Finds aftermarket bbu seal in box o' bits


    Doesnt fit makarov due to length so fits to sig


    Actual gas efficiency.


    Goddamnit now i need one that fits the makarov :(

  24. urgh, ak stripping, sucks

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