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Adolf Hamster

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Adolf Hamster last won the day on October 21 2023

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  • Guns
    F2000 & aksu aeg's, m4, mg42 and aksu hpa's
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    whatever works! (smersh, smersh works)

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  1. Suddenly i feel like i need a night game, this has nothing whatsoever to do with acquiring an nv scope from here, nothing at all.....

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    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Its a massive advantage, the last one i was at gen 3 guy just climbed a tree and murdered everyone, nobody could find him either because nobody expects you to be in a tree in daylight let alone at night.


      A few mates are looking at trying to make ghetto nv goggles using rasberry pi, will be interesting to see how well those function compared to a proper setup.


      Either way, working nv is basically cheat mode in a game where most folk cant be bothered :D

    3. Duff


      I have some NV UV glow sticks! Utterly useless to me but saving for when I see someone wearing an NV unit so I can break it and throw it in their face, helpfully blinding them!

    4. Jedi_Master


      Nothing better than 900+ lumens directed at NVG or scope.

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