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LightningCh last won the day on February 13 2018

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1 Follower

Profile Information

  • Guns
    G&G CM16 Wild Hog 7"
    HPA Scorpion EVO
    TM Hi-Capa 5.1 Gold Match
    TM VSR10
    TM MK23
  • Loadouts
    Woodland Soldier 95 Style Camo w/ Condor Recon Rig
    All Black Civs
    Ghillie Sniper
  • Sites
    Stormforce Airsoft (Woodland)
    Bravo 1 (CQB)
    The Gaol
    Kidderminster Airsoft (paintball park)
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Airsoft, Gaming.

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  1. Got shouted at by marshals today for my ROF and I wasn't even shooting when it happened... marshals just get attracted to the dye mask.

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    2. LightningCh


      literally every CQB site I play at I hear a rof complaint. Either aimed, at me, someone else, whatever.
      Only place I have played at that has zero complaints is Bravo 1, and that's strictly double taps.

    3. Skara


      Must be frustrating.. I'd be pissed off if anyone came to me crying that my gun is shooting too fast..


      I also noticed a lot of people here on the forums use cheap BBs (Nuprol is the British equivalent of our Royal stuff)..

      So, here's the thing:

      Do people really think that saving €3 on a bag of bbs (bought once every 2/3 game days) will save them some actual money?

      When they can buy higher grade bbs and not having to worry about jams and bbs shattering onto eyepro?

    4. LightningCh


      "the £s add up at the end of the year"
      I find that the brits near me are very hung up on this fact and will put poor bbs through their gun to "save money"
       I actually use a bb brand thats a bit cheaper than nuprol per bottle, but im yet to have them shatter... (The Draft Club).

      Maybe it's just poor luck when they shatter because any bb can do it. But I know for a fact the local players to me tend to save as much money as they can because "it all adds up"

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