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Asomodai last won the day on July 25 2022

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  • Guns
    SRS, AKMSU, ARX160, AKM, AMD-65, MK23, FN-57
  • Loadouts
    French, Italian, Hungarian, Maskpol Mapa, DNC, PMC
  • Sites
    Anything in the SE.
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  1. Anyone in the South East playing Airsoft this Saturday? Looking to meet other players on the regular as the guys I usually play with have basically sworn off of it now! 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Egon_247


      Me and the kids are going to apocalypse tomorrow for the "under 18's" day. 

      Less intense than the Sundays. 😂

    3. Asomodai


      @Egon_247i do love a bit of Apoc. Just a complete pain to get to on on public transport! I think I have resigned myself to a day of Driver Wood on my lonesome tomorrow

    4. Egon_247


      Well,as it turned out, i was a dick head yesterday and had to apologise to a bush wookie for turning him into a human BB magnet. I was a naughty boy.

      Where about do you live? If youre local to dartford, maybe we can squeeze you in the car with the kids and kit some time?

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