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Profile Information

  • Guns
    Ares Aoemba AM-014
    G&G Firehawk
    WE Glock 17
  • Loadouts
    British DPM
    Modern Insurgent
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  • Gender
  • Location
    Northern Ireland
  • Interests
    Airsoft, Software Development, Rugby and YouTube

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  1. GemsHD

    Assortment of gear

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
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    Viper Chest Rig & Battle Belt & Pouches (4 AR, 1 Grenade and 2 Pistol) - £45 G&G CM16 Shell - £20 G&G VOS-G3 Stock - £15 Goggles and Mask - £5


    - GB

  2. GemsHD


    Can't believe how long it took @ak2m4 to get my motor shipped! I ordered on 05/04/19 13:48 and it was shipped on 05/04/19 14:22. It took 36minutes to ship my purchase! Disgrace! (Obviously a joke, great service as always!)
  3. GemsHD

    KJW KC-02

    Npas is £20 and I'm sure someone at your site would help you out? Any other GBBR users?
  4. FYI - Cheaper retail here https://www.bullseyecountrysport.co.uk/asg-blaster-bbs-025g-bbs-6000-white-airsoft-blaster-025-bb-6mm-5691-p.asp
  5. Have you tried phoning them? Patrol Base are pretty good for customer support. Call them and tell them you're not happy and they will most likely try their best to remedy your situation.
  6. FPS is surprisingly low, do you use lower pressure gas or have an NPAS installed? Edit: Seen you ammended this, my bad bru.
  7. GemsHD

    SOLD Tracer unit and bbs

    What's the threading?
  8. He's been active since you've first contacted him... Kind of shady if you ask me. I must say I've not seen any other retailers sign onto a forum and try to contact an MIA member before so good on you. Customer Service is the definitive line between having frequent rebuyers and good reviews so keep it up and I'm sure you'll gain a nice reputation
  9. They've also got a top forum like this one
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