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Everything posted by GothicGhost

  1. I see thank you I look into that.
  2. I am looking into getting the CQB-R block one and replacing it with a grey Magpul SL handguard; as I've seen here, someone had posted, and it looks very nice. I read the SL needs the front sight and other gas blocks not compatible. Not sure how true that is as I saw a YouTube video with a different gas block but not sure what one it is. Images of some gas block I've seen for sale. Thank you.
  3. Bit if a strange one but I replaced my TM glock 17 mags gas route seals with the ones for the aap-01. https://www.airsoftworld.net/action-army-aap-01-upgraded-magazine-gas-route-seal.html The stock aap-01 mag gets over 300 fps but the glock mags only get under 250-230. I thought installing the aap-01 seals was what was needed for TM mags as it the standard one are more flat not curved like aap-01. Thanks for advice.
  4. So how bad are the import fees? Are all paying over the odds vs ordering from UK? Thanks.
  5. Thank you I really need to buy myself a 3D printer even a small one for bits like this. Not sure the wife would go for it 😁🤣😂
  6. Sorry I meant how much would something like the stock adapter cost to make? Thanks.
  7. I have ordered some calipers lol How do you think something like this to print?
  8. Hi-capa carbine kit with new stock. Nice and compact for travel on a motor bike
  9. It's for a hi-capa 3D printed carbine and I understand the stock adapater the weakpoint of the kit if I drop or something so I wanted to have some few spare to just replace it if that ever happens What if the hole was more filled in to make it stronger and the bolt sits on the outside of the adapter. Thank you any advice.
  10. Quick question, how hard would it be to replicate this 3D printed m4 stock adapter? I would like to have another one at some point, thanks.
  11. Been using Bolle x1000 Rx goggles for few years now and they made for glasses to fit inside them. https://ukmcpro.co.uk/products/bolle-tactical-x1000-goggles-rx-model I now still use the goggles but have daily disposable contact lenses for less hassle.
  12. I think royal mail has a backlog of parcels as well, I made an order from another shop 20th of November 2020, and I assumed the parcel got lost, so I had to refund and reorder later. Now checking tracking today on my second order, it is in the UK, and I thought I would check the tracking number on the lost order; and it was out for delivery today, but I think now It will come tomorrow, lol
  13. Yeah when running I sometimes get bad muscle cramps and shin splints afterwards.muscles
  14. Also using one of them scales with the app to keep track of the progress I find helps. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bathroom-Scales-Weighing-Body-Fat/dp/B07HH6DJHH/ref=sxin_15?adgrpid=116556431934&ascsubtag=amzn1.osa.177bc956-38de-4085-b064-a27cab4c6414.A1F83G8C2ARO7P.en_GB&creativeASIN=B07HH6DJHH&cv_ct_cx=feel+fit+scale&cv_ct_id=amzn1.osa.177bc956-38de-4085-b064-a27cab4c6414.A1F83G8C2ARO7P.en_GB&cv_ct_pg=search&cv_ct_we=asin&cv_ct_wn=osp-single-source-mobile&dchild=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIrfLUsNbB7wIVke3tCh3t2QpwEAAYASAAEgI5gfD_BwE&hvadid=498392606521&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=1006897&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=17061472894810270196&hvtargid=kwd-471047882386&hydadcr=8234_1789915&keywords=feelfit+scale&linkCode=oas&pd_rd_i=B07HH6DJHH&pd_rd_r=32f7f751-5469-4d58-89dd-aa2fe5138a1c&pd_rd_w=zO20k&pd_rd_wg=CKbV8&pf_rd_p=ae35d2be-147b-4767-8f6b-713ec8f87952&pf_rd_r=5NCFW9Y8R1BJC1DDYW04&qid=1616339642&sr=1-2-78b06539-dce7-4911-9ef7-723e018c4453&tag=ambientosp-21
  15. As the years go on my loadout gone much smaller, no more plate carriers and limited number of gas mags. I still wear a helmet with lower mask as I tend to shot in the head/face lots 🤣
  16. I have been jogging regularly a few times a week, about 2.4 miles, to try to lose so more weight. Went from 15 stone to 13.13 but trying to get down to 13.0 stone seems difficult🤣😅
  17. Well this thread makes not want to order guns outside the UK lol.
  18. How much and where you get the Holy Warrior EoTech XPS2? Been looking for decent eotech clone 😁
  19. Are the 5KU outer barrels any good? Thank you.
  20. New belt, this one more low profile and for the price of £27 it's great.
  21. Looking into buying an MWS soon CQBBR version maybe , I wanted to make a short barrel version around 9inches, but I am not sure what I would need to get? I know there are kits out there for lots of money, but I am happy with just a M-Lok handguard plus the shorter outer barrel to go with it. Could anyone point me in the right direction that on what parts would work with the MWS, I was looking and it seems g&p parts fit? Thank you for any help.
  22. Yeah I bought a few guns and gun parts. Best thing was my carbine kit and aap-01 pistol
  23. Not airsoft but I order some flight sim stuff from the Netherlands in January for £170 and I never got any fees from UPS or customs vat and duty. And it had the invoice and order total on the box so customs could see it easy.
  24. Ordered lots of airsoft bits from alie express and now you can use paypal for all orders I think.
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