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Everything posted by GothicGhost

  1. Ordered lots of airsoft bits from alie express and now you can use paypal for all orders I think.
  2. What happens if you get sent a broken gun and needs to be returned to TG? Do we need to pay all the costs? I think now I would rather only deal with Uk sellers for guns or other expensive gear.
  3. So we need a order minimum of £140 plus shipping and VAT/duty and then carrier charges. Not worth it then I guess? https://www.taiwangun.com/pl/keepcalm?campaign-id=13
  4. I use warror assault universal holsters and fits perfectly.
  5. Unfortunately I had to return the g&g pistol back to patrol base because it was not working But very good returns no problems at all. So I got the AAP-01 instead from airsoft world.
  6. So if my order total £131 I am safe from extra charges? Looking to place an order as I think they are shipping to UK again.
  7. Sorry to hear that man, I was not even looking to buy a gun and surprised on the sale prices, if only I had more money lol.
  8. Just wanted to ask if anyone knows if the g&g m9 can use real wood grips? https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/g-and-g-armament-gpm92-gbb-pistol I would think it does but can't be 100%. Thanks for any information.
  9. Yeah 😅 wasn't even looking for a new gun but price's was to good to pass up lol. I would got an M4 if I had the extra 🤣😂
  10. G&G GPM92 of patrol base half price sale only £62 😯 Shoots very good and being full metal feels very nice.
  11. Oh really, lot of money if there no good I mite get the cheaper ones as I mostly want better sound from the radio then what I have now.
  12. Looking to upgrading my radio headset as I basic single in-ear bit like this https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32816482233.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.25f740dfNEhJ9c&algo_pvid=2b19201a-b67d-43ec-85ce-1f100ac29d8f&algo_expid=2b19201a-b67d-43ec-85ce-1f100ac29d8f-0&btsid=0b0a182b16103632698358118ebf4c&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_ So i lwas looking at some Earmos or maybe Retevis EH060K Z Tactical Bowman Elite II? Earmor https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000204741395.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.7c383c00MDQKXa&mp=1 Adapter M51 PTT https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000213071689.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.43a23c005e58oL&mp=1 Retevis headset https://www.aliexpress.com/i/32957676036.html Not sure if there any good for the money? Thanks.
  13. I added a 6..5 inch barrel and using 144a gas I can keep fps at around 300-310 The barrel sitrs just inside where the suppressor starts. I do have a 300mm tight bore barrel but that 365/420 depends what gas I use
  14. Been after one for a while and for £60 new I had to get it.
  15. Wanted something lighter then my plate carrier Viper chest rig to go with my viper backpack.
  16. Yeah I will get a smlaller one at some point, but it the sight pretty light.
  17. Just ordered a TM hi-capa so hopefully it goes well
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