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Tamberlin last won the day on July 22 2016

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  1. WE 18c or KWA/ASG G18c?

    1. Monty


      They're both good. The KWA Glocks can fit in RS holsters, whereas the WE can't.

    2. Defender90


      By coincidence I'm got a KWA Glock 23F, on order. I've had a TM G18C for a bit and like aspects of the design but can't get over the plasticy lightness and the subsequent need to use the lowest power gas.

      I looked at a Stark Arms/VFC Glock but felt lighter and flimsier than I expected with the same problem of the slide not going forward properly, so bought a KWA HK45 instead and am seriously impressed with it. So I reckon this should be a damn good and hefty Glock according t...

  2. I actually really like the look of that Glock! Less so the price tag...
  3. Some Magpuls for my GHK G5 magazines. Little buggers are tough to get the mags, but worth it!
  4. $44 looks like a good deal though, I'll probably buy that instead, thanks!
  5. I wouldn't call that naff... Anyway, I'll give it a look. But I don't really want to spend a ton on a scope is all. People use the Richter Optik for air-rifle shooting, so it must be okay.
  6. But is there a problem with the one I posted above?
  7. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/311557868420?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&var=610539907835&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Would this be suitable for a semi-auto GBBR? Using the GHK G5 DMR build, and only shooting in full-auto. The scope is full aluminium.
  8. And that AA12 looks straight out of Borderlands!
  9. Insanely nice stuff. I would love for my G5 to have an Urban DDPAT, but make it distressed, with claw marks and scrapes, and even some blood splatter! I think that'd be awesome urban zombie-apocalypse survivor gun!
  10. My brand new GHK G5 with a sick 'apocalypse' paint-job, carbine kit installed, real-steel flash hider, and 1J nozzle kit and Magpul grip.
  11. Has anyone used the GHK G5 1J nozzle? People say it can be unreliable. How far off 1J could it go?
  12. They were...then it's $38 shipping with brings it upto about £80, and then there's import tax (which makes it about £90-92) and heavily increased weight time. After all that, the Samoon deal simply doesn't work.
  13. Already bought two for £90! But I plan to only ever use semi-auto when I'm doing skirmishes, otherwise it's too inaccurate or I could do an HPA rig... 2000 round drum mag for the G5, anyone?
  14. A GHK G5 with the carbine kit and 1J nozzle installed, and with an AAC flash hider and a custom handgrip. Fully working. For £140. I saved about £200-220...
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