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  • Guns
    Thompson M1A1, M1 Garand, MP40, K98, M16A1, M733, M727, CAR15, XM177E1, M14, MP5SD6 CQB
  • Loadouts
    Delta Force operation acid gambit and Gothic serpent, Delta scud hunter Gulf war, Fallschrimjager
  • Sites
    P.O.W. Bonnybridge, The Depot Glasgow, Fife wargames, AEG.
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  1. Time Left: 6 days and 15 hours

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    Looking for a Bullgear cnc mg42 gearbox upper shell or failing that a stock agm type gearbox upper shell.


    - GB

  2. SRC hard cases tend to flex when you're trying to snap the catches closed meaning they can be a pig to get shut. The smaller cases might be better as they won't flex as much. The handles can be a bit uncomfortable if they're heavily loaded too. Still better than a pelicase for 6 times the price.
  3. Just picked up a nice reversible night camo/ Tri-colour parka in a rarer large size.
  4. Funnily enough I was warned on another forum for suggesting that deliberate head shots were a dick move. My suggestions - Watch your engagement distances. Lighting someone up with full auto at close distance is the best way to get on a marshalls watch list. Don't go yelling instructions, commands or tactics to your team unless you're a designated leader or commander. No one was ever helped by someone screaming "move up!" Have seen groups of newer players get mowed down in obvious ambush positions again and again because someone had to play at being general. Even worse if its a site Marshall yelling to run forward in some sort of paintball esque idea. Thankfully my regular site is great for avoiding these situations.
  5. CYMA stuff seems to either be welded solid with threadlock from the factory or have none at all and go flying into the undergrowth never to be seen again. I got an M14 from CYMA and some bright spark had threadlocked the hop adjustment wheel! A £3 investment in decent threadlock is far better than forking out a load for replacement parts, if you can find them.
  6. I fancy getting a gbb AR or AK but still not too convinced on the reliability of some makes for the price points. My future acquisition list is - King arms M1 carbine Scar H GBB M733/727 TM MP7 gbb
  7. Just got a few 5.11 tactical items for my PMC kit. See its not all WW2! :-D
  8. That TM armalite series body tabs might as well be made of glass they're that fragile.
  9. Tightbore and a few internal upgrades for my 1911 3 extra mags Seal, valve and spring rebuild kits for when the inevitable failures start Yet another protec helmet
  10. My custom K98 Spring conversion I was working on for a while before admitting defeat. Built from a clone VSR and a donor D-boys K98 with wood stock and metal parts. Looks the business, all the metalwork was chemically blued and it really looked great compared to the matt black of the D-boys. Have had positive comments on the look of the rifle from some people who really know their stuff with regards to ww2 weapons. Sadly away to a new owner now but hopefully he's managed to get it working reliably. Next up my M1 Garand AEG. A custom wood stock and metal parts kit on an M14 body, this thing is hefty! Originally that orange lacquer colour most wood kits are but I stripped it down and refinished it with a nice walnut stain and a lot of coats of boiled linseed oil. Fed from small 30rd shotgun mags, they're almost impossible to get a hold of but I managed to get 25 in a trade. :-) Fun for open days as when people see a wood stock rifle they think it'll be a single shot sniper and get surprised when I can pop in an M14 hi-cap and slam it on full auto with no MED as its at 350fps. Lol Currently under a full overhaul on this as it was drifting the shots to one side.
  11. Got a pair of Bates falcons, my Oakley Si's weren't high enough. Need to have a boot clear out, got too many pairs I never use. Picked up a few more bits for my modern PMC kit and added a few more little bits to my Gothic serpent Delta and ranger kit stash.
  12. Out of the box reliable and well made like all TM's.
  13. Thanks I actually had to trim about half off because the form wouldn't let me add that much!
  14. My latest project - Started out as a JG MP5SD6. I gave the gearbox a basic cleanup and upgrade, new piston, silent head and nozzle, new bearings properly shimmed and greased, popped in a guarder high speed motor, a madbull tightbore, guarder rubber and H-nub, fixed the hop lever to lock in place once set. Cleared out the suppressor and refilled it with tool chest liner matting as it was just an echo chamber. Gives a really nice rof and range. Externally I hated the folding stock, it kept retracting as I was aiming. Fitted an ICS M4 stock tube adaptor and sling mount with a nice light CAR15 stock. Might swap it out for a magpul CTS stock though. Front grip is an ICS pro large handguard with a stubby foregrip and a nice big cree tac torch. Put an aimpoint sight on a low profile mount on top and its my goto CQB weapon.
  15. Hi there, thought I'd join up here finally. Have had the odd browse for tech advice and stuff but never set up an account. Bit of a gear collector and like to play at a variety of sites. I mostly run WW2 kit, at the moment usually German Fallschrimjager with my K98 or if I'm doing a more modern day I'll run some of my 80's or 90's style US kit with an AR or a long rifle if its a big site.
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