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djben9 last won the day on January 23 2017

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    ICS CXP-UK1, UK1R, UK1R SR EBB, M4 EBB, G33 F, ASG M15 SIR, TM GLK 17 v3
  • Loadouts
    Whatevers comfy for the day.....with big pockets helps
  • Sites
    GMA / Team Green Tuddenham,
  • Gender
  • Location
    Fen Edge, Cambs :)
  • Interests
    DJ-ing (Traktor), Airsoft oh and my family of course :)

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  1. so according to the instructions...ESS V12 goggles are not to be used for airsoft.....does anyone read these things :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hibernator


      They're not specifically designed for airsoft, so they put that in there as a "cover their arses" type statement. There's no worry of a small plastic bb coming your way on deployment in a war zone :) ESS say the same thing about their NVG goggles unless you buy the airsoft version. The only difference being that there's a plastic clip (cortex clip) that covers the air vents to stop a bb getting through!


    3. Josh95


      its just an insurance thing, if some one does lose their eye to a bb they don't wont to be held accountable

    4. djben9


      that's good, I wasn't gonna not use them, been hit twice in the 'lens' and still good! :)

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