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djben9 last won the day on January 23 2017

djben9 had the most liked content!


Profile Information

  • Guns
    ICS CXP-UK1, UK1R, UK1R SR EBB, M4 EBB, G33 F, ASG M15 SIR, TM GLK 17 v3
  • Loadouts
    Whatevers comfy for the day.....with big pockets helps
  • Sites
    GMA / Team Green Tuddenham,
  • Gender
  • Location
    Fen Edge, Cambs :)
  • Interests
    DJ-ing (Traktor), Airsoft oh and my family of course :)

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  1. seems to be struggling to find Helikon ATACS FG clothing in my size at a few places.... :(....maybe i should diet and shrink!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      it's annoying when you're short and a bit fat, e.g. Helikon don't do bloody short inseam length only 32 / 34"

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      I'm just big boned and unfit

      but yeah short leg stuff is a pain to get sometimes

    4. Aengus


      It's even more annoying when you're a midget and s is too big and short is too long

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