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  • Guns
    ASG Scorpion Evo 3
    Tokyo Marui SG226 E2
    M9 Beretta
  • Loadouts
    Multicam Trousers/UBAC
    Multicam Warrior Recon Plate Carrier
    Multicam lid
    Bolle X1000
  • Sites
    The Mall, Reading
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  1. lol Congrats m8, i know you will love it, just dont get mad trying to put the battery in like i used to lol
  2. Glad you all fun, sounds like you had a great night, any pics or videos?
  3. Lol Trigger, that wont help me, im 50 and going senile i think lol
  4. Yep was nice meeting you. hope you had a great day. Nearly had to rugby tackle Jedi cos he looked like he was twitching to go orange pmsl
  5. I think i have been going every other week nearly since june and i still get lost in the basement lol so i tend to stay upstairs more lol
  6. Now i have my gopro i can now show her instead of talking about it lol
  7. My wife moans about all the BB's that get stuck in the bottom of my boots which then end up rolling around the house somehow lol
  8. I never noticed/saw any bad play but had a good day playing. Just a shame one of my sons felt a bit ill so we called it a day and missed the last game but hope all that went enjoyed themselves and had fun especially those that went for there 1st time 😎😎
  9. Mmmmm greasy spoon cafes lol but yeah it does have its advantages sometimesThere's no way I'd queue for that long, especially in the Florida heat lol
  10. Lol I'm the same as you, hate queueing, God knows why I became a lorry driver as drives me mad waiting around lol
  11. Again, sounds like you have been lucky in your two and a half years then, I have been there and guys have had to go back down after the briefing to get chronoed either cos they have turned up late or cos of a big queue, I have seen quite big queues there in the past and I like to get down early so I have more time to get my kit ready, but as you have so kindly said, the marshals do try and move the queue along as quickly as possible
  12. As Jedi said, get to chrono early to beat the queue
  13. I have been thinking about getting one as well and am swaying towards the Swat as you can use it any where. Thing that puts me off of an impact grenade is using it in woodland where there's the possibility of it not going off
  14. It must have hurt cos at the lunch break he was talking about missing the next game and he would NEVER miss a game lol but good recovery Alex lol
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