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MrMcG last won the day on October 28 2015

MrMcG had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Guns
    WE Scar-H GBBR
    KWA Vector GBBR
    Cybergun FNX GBBP
  • Loadouts
    OPS Multicam Black
    Haley Strategic Coyote D3CR H and D3CR
    Viper Battle Belt
  • Sites
    Epsom - RIP :(
    EAG Dorking
    EAG Longmoor
    Blitz CQB
    Bunker 51
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Football fast cars good food hot women

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  1. I really want that hephaestus tar
  2. A very expensive time for me Bought a cayenne used excuse of baby on way but now means I have epic storage for airsoft days haha Ghk mod 2 M4 Resisting the urge on the Ghk AUG Failing miserably at resisting the Hephastus tar 21 Im a gas whore
  3. After a large clearout.. TM Devgru 4 recoil mags 2 lipos lipo convertor eotech magnifier money come money go
  4. My up to date 6mm death machines
  5. Bit of a spend up :/ Warrior recon shooters cut in multicam ( was super cheap on eBay ) Mp7 pouches TM gold match pistol some mags And now the debate on the 416 devgru hmmmm
  6. [quote name="CKinnerley" post="248981" timestamp="1468248440 Woe betide the team that get lumped with my fat ass. I'm the guy who chucks a grenade then hits the lip of the window and bounces it back inside to team kill everybody. I did the same thing but I managed to get out of the way and killed everyone else 😂😂
  7. Bits & Bobs Acog with RDS Peq 16 Magpul flip iron sights 3 x Ultrair Green Gas G&G .28 bbs x 3 FNX 45 magazines x 2 Daniel Defence Gas block Kydex Holster Grease Should finish off the MWS nicely
  8. I was literally going to post the same thing here!! i did think it was a massive chunk of cash for what it is!
  9. Went super simple on mine over the weekend ( not wanting to steam cook in full combats etc ) I wore - Jeans Black t shirt Boots Blackhawk drop leg for px4 Ops chest rig Glasses Face mask Hat TM mws Have to say it worked really really well Didn't get to hot wasn't over carrying and everything I had on the rig I used Was so pleased that I'll probably run this permanently unless I have to wear combats for a team game
  10. My new shooter of bb death TM MWS So it's roughly 90% finished now So far installed FAB defence stock FAB defence pistol grip FAB defence magwell grip RVD foregrip Nuprol ED optic Qd mount To come... PEQ not sure on 15/16 yet Silencer Slingster sling Better pics.... Didn't think I'd like an M4 this much
  11. TM MWS with 5 mags - very nice piece of kit TM PX4 Some bling bits for the vector
  12. Hey John I live in grove park so your not to far from me We have a few places around there is bunker 51 ( in Greenwich ) cqb blitz in Whitechapel Dorking for outdoor games or UCAP in bluewater also the mall in reading You don't need a team you can turn up as a lone wolf and make friends on the day I dragged a mate when I first went Happy to answer any q's you may have and happy to see you gameside
  13. Is that normal level 30 or DZ 30 if I saw a dz30 I'm running for my life 😂😂😂
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