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Everything posted by Cold3lit3

  1. Do the right thing and save for this.... http://www.landwarriorairsoft.com/airsoft-weapons-c38/electric-rifles-c45/krytac-krytac-trident-spr-p4370 Judging by the reviews, this should be the new standard of affordable AEGS With the likes of the ASG Scorpion and the new Krytacs setting the standards for internals, i can't imagine other manufacturers not starting to play catch-up Has anyone ever bought an AEG that didn't need shimming?
  2. I'm from Sale (down the road from Old Trafford) Before i knew anything about Airsoft, i went down, had a brew, shot some staff guns on the range (not sure they still do the range nights, not been for a while) and asked shitloads of questions (this is important haha). Then i played at Anzio (Leek), and The Hive (Middleton) to get my membership
  3. Hey bud If you want to go into a shop, try First & Only retail shop in Swinton. It's only down the Lancs for you, and you can have a look at some decent gear (rather than pretty pics on internet). Also, they can give you the advice you need on building a defence for owning a RIF.
  4. Yeah i do get proper toasty indoors, so sometimes i just wear a black tee (or nowt even) underneath
  5. yeah, the XTM's from Magpul look great. I combined them with the G&P rail covers (cut down) that came with my Sentry The XTM pieces were placed where my hands grip the RIS and then the rest of the rails i used the ladder type. Looked pretty good IMO
  6. I drive a forklift truck through the week, and DJ and rewire houses as a sparky's mate come weekends. On top of a having a young family, it's pretty tiring My body clock has now stopped haha I could afford to play every week, but in the grand scale of things airsoft is low priority, so i play monthly, sometimes an extra night game now and again. Also, i only buy new gear with work bonuses or when i've had a really busy month and filled the shed with cash lol
  7. I use a MkII Osprey and it has a large front and rear storage compartment. I too carry a tonne of BB's, Water, mate's phones, their empty mags, spare gloves, speedloaders, kitchen sink. You get the idea
  8. We nuprol single point sling for £14 It's actually brilliant!
  9. Epsom tunnels looks really cool https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vOHpy7Q25A I wish we had this shiz nearer to Manchester
  10. So in fact it's still hot then then? Do you not chrono with 0.2's?
  11. This ^ Midcaps are so much better. They feed better, don't rattle and best of all it makes you use a cool little button now and again that drops your mag out of the well. It's really fun to do
  12. If it is Manchester then there's a few good sites to play. first and only the hive is the best CQB site imo. There's Trojan in Stockport and Macclesfield. Shortish journey's you can get to Anzio Camp, there's a few sites in West Yorkshire like the Stan, and then there's Liverpool, with Swat Fortress. There are loads of woodland sites but they're not my brew. Oh and ive been playing a few years and never bothered with a pistol. They're fun, but not necessarily needed.
  13. Whereabouts in Manchester bud?
  14. I have an Element PEQ16, it's about 40 quid, but has red laser, torch, low level illuminator (faint blue torch so you can see shiz and not give yourself away) and comes with a pressure pad. Got mine on e-bay and has been good to me (looks sweet too)
  15. Yeah but still learning, like how not to trap the wiring in the gearbox shell, then ask my mates to pull their motors out for me to test haha
  16. Airsoft is one of those things where you try it once and you dream about it. You wake up in the middle of the night, get your gun out and clear the house with your flashlight/laser combo, then go back to bed happy (I really hope this aint just me?!) But some tips on a serious note -Do hire, while you look around at other peoples gear -Ask friendly players if you can see their gun (most need no excuse to show off their baby) -A friend of mine got an M16, and after one day wished he got something shorter and lighter. I like to get stuck in and quite like the sting from getting shot in CQB, so i use an SMG - Do get stuck in. My experiences and enjoyment have improved massively by pushing forwards and getting up close and personal (the banter is better too haha) - Don't be put off by Polymer guns. They are nowhere near as weak as you would initially think, and much lighter than a full metal RIF - Stick with players who know their way round the site you attend. You will learn very quickly - Don't take it too seriously on gameday. There is no real winner really, it's just massively fun - Wear full seal glasses/mask. I've seen too many near-misses, luckily never witnessed a proper eye injury. Hope you take something from this, and enjoy the first time you get stuck alone in a room with enemy players pulling their pin on their TRMR's
  17. Here's a few gems Don't buy a G&P (yep, someone told me this before my first purchase. I have bought about 4 G&P's since haha) I wanted a G36 but they're all plastic? (um, what?) The guy showed me his G&G Raider I like this map (usually the cod kids) Any sentence with 'clip' involved, instead of mag Anything UKARA related!
  18. Hi I'm James, from Manchester and been airsofting for a few years I've been snooping around the forum for a few months, and thought i'd sign up I mainly play F&O The Hive, and Anzio and also Trojan Olympus CQB I treated myself to the ASG Scorpion Evo a few weeks ago, and i love airsoft a lot more than i used to My mates tend to dump their AEG's and upgrade bits (Springs, gears, hops) on my lap to fix them Looking at making a trip down to The Mall in reading as it looks amazing
  19. Yeah i'd mostly aesthetic, like when you hold a G&P M4 next to a G&G M4 you can see the difference in external polish, but shoot pretty much the same I've seen an ex rental G36 (probably JG or summat) that was stripped and rebuilt with better parts (Gearbox and Hop wise) and was monstrously good. I think the guy said it cost him less than 250 quid in total I wish thats how i started airsoft. You know when new airsofters ask the 'what gun should i buy' question and you tell them to rent, and full metal isn't always better, and they don't listen. I was one of them that didn't listen. Now I have a polymer SMG and Airsoft is much more fun (and less lumping around a long metal M4)
  20. Scorpion Evo, it's amazing. OK it looks like a fish with no goodies attached haha Got an AFG on the way for the front end and thumb stops (essential) to stop me shooting myself in the finger <iframe src="https://onedrive.live.com/embed?cid=2795B79063FA0F8C&resid=2795b79063fa0f8c%213601&authkey=ANywTj4hgDHogRo" width="320" height="180" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
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