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Posts posted by deebo

  1. Just a ubacs and a chest rig, or plate carrier. Im setting up another loadout wich is just a ubacs, coat and a belt/harness. Either is fine, as i will hear or feel the hits. The carriers and rigs are really more for load carrying and looking tacticool than any protection, as i find i always get hit somewhere else anyway lol


    Just a few layers should do it, thick t shirt and fleece or hoodie. Unfortunately it also depends how well (or not) you bruise.

  2. On the subject........its quite tricky to do. Yoh need to know someone with a bit of space you want to use, and ask nicely if your friends can hang out. That way, its essentially no different in the eyes of law than being at your house and shooting each other. To do it properly does in volve alot of costs and insurance. It either needs to stay small, and private at some land someone you know owns or be big, and a propper site. Im not aware of a moddle ground

  3. If you have the budget for it a nice tm rifle. Good range and accuracy out of the box. Unfortunately advice form people on what gun to get is useless, as it all falls to taste. Kuat ask to fondle as many as you can at gamea andake your mind up from there haha


    Welcome to the forum.

  4. Adds a little realism to a game with reloading, as alot of guns are expensive with boltstop functions and all sorts, might as well use them with a mag that has a chance of emptying!


    More likely to miss out on the fun part of running out of ammo in a firefight with high caps as well haha

  5. Yeah on the ess v12 they have two settings. One pulls the lenses a bit further out and opens up vents. Dont know if it is actually called a dust setting, but its what we refer to it as in my little group. But yeah they open up for a great airflow, and the vents are smaller than b size anyway.

  6. No. Its no more sensible than it is daft. Alot of people do spend alot on their kit, but you dont have to. The vills run very high for genuine or 'real steel' stuff. But for airsoft, reproduction stuff can be cheap as chips and will do for skirmishing. If you venture into milsim games and stuff then the costs do go up because of certain requirments.

  7. I have the revision low profile bad boys, the pre coated lenses they have, added to a smear of fairy liquid the night before got me playing all day with only some drops forming at the bottom.


    Ess v12s are my other set, and they are great. Pluck all the foam out and put them on the dust setting, no fog at all.

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