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ghostwalker last won the day on April 14 2023

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    Ics Cxp Mars SBR
    TM G3sg1 with wolverine inferno engine
    TM MP5 SD6
    TM FNX 45
  • Loadouts
    a 'Tears of the sun' impression of sorts or mostly just another mtp wearer
  • Sites
    combat thetford, combat action games, battleground airsoft, battle stations
  • Gender
  • Location
    North walsham, Norfolk Uk
  • Interests
    Just the usual stuff and a bit of a ww2 history buff.

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  1. Ever just find yourself wanting a whole new airsoft look and not having a clue what though

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gepard
    3. Duff


      Nope. If anything I have more ideas for loadout styles than anything else, just not the budget to realise them physically. What started out as an "urban biker" style for me has now progressed to where I look like akin to a Division agent, which I don't mind per se.


      I also have an Alien character COSplay all worked out, just need to get around to buying the final few bits. I like to have a lot of interchangable gear, flannel shirts and combats in all rainbow flavours plus I collect hats and caps like a hooker collects STD's at a truck stop.


      I think at some point I will get a clone JPC and belt but in another colour thanblack, just to give me variety of choice. Not a fan of olive or tan, maybe some kinda of desert flecktarn or summert...  maybe same as my hat in HDT which I really like.... forgive me I know nothign of camo.

    4. ghostwalker


      I would love a Stargate SG1 loadout. But getting the correct bits is so incredibly difficult or just insanely expensive.

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