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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. I have a surefire tac light and it got the front shot out first time I used it. They are really good but the one I have is a glass lens so not really airsoft friendly. Have tried a few clones but gave up using a weapon light because it just makes you an easy target. Now I just use a couple of welco torches 180 lumen with a strobe. £12 each doesn't matter if I lose it or it gets broken. Have chucked them 20ft down corridors to light up a doorway and they still work perfectly.
  2. Post a list of your questions again and everybody can have a look and maybe help you out.
  3. Whats that meant to mean? It comes across as some sort of smug arrogant comment.
  4. Got to agree with above get a backup aeg. Could go for something small like a G&P baby monster or Ics M4 cqb pistol or even the Krytac Sdp.
  5. Dont care its Star wars I will still buy it. Been buying crap Star Wars games for years whats one more in the collection.
  6. Thanks for the response.I understand your points on the gun differing from a uk version but I would like to point out a couple of things. The gun shooting hot wouldn't be a big issue a lot of guns coming into the UK are over site limits and have to be adjusted before using. The orange flash hider is no issue either just either put a black one in the box or point out to the buyer that the tips orange and then its their choice. We in the UK are again used to getting orange tips on guns we import in from US stores. As for higher delivery costs I wouldn't have contacted the store if that was an issue, I fully understand that shipping would be expensive but that was my choice. It would have been nice to be offered the chance to buy rather than just getting a sorry you cant have one. As for being out of stock everywhere well at least it shows people like your product. Problem is the british public are a bit fickle and impatient and will just buy something else rather than wait. I hope the Cerakote ones become available soon otherwise I will just have to buy something else.
  7. Who said anything about letting a ex con own a firearm. We are talking about airsoft guns which isnt a real firearm. Your statement said that there isnt a scenario where a convicted criminal should be allowed to own or handle a rif. Even if they have committed an offence such as armed robbery doesnt mean that they should be banned from playing airsoft, its a game and a sport.Someone who has been convicted of assault doesn't get banned from going to a boxing gym or even boxing in competitions. I am not an ex con before you assume that I have just lived enough life to know that you cant assume someone is totally irresponsible or unable to act properly because they made a mistake. A bit of common sense is all that is needed in the laws.
  8. Somebody feeling bored this morning ☺
  9. I contacted Krytac about getting hold of a Crb FDE Cerakote which they sell through their American pro store. I asked if it was possible to get one via a Uk supplier or could they ship one direct. Their response was that they have no plans to sell their Cerakote guns in the Uk and were unwilling to ship one to the Uk. I replied that they were missing out on a market as Krytac guns were growing in popularity and it is almost impossible to get even a standard CRB as the Uk stores were always sold out. Their reply was that this office was for American customers and that there was nothing they were willing to do. While I understand that they go through a European distributor this response was still a bit poor. Most companies whether Taiwanese or Chinese go through a seperate distributor but are more than willing to help if contacted directly. I contacted a Taiwanese manufacturer about something I was struggling to get and they were extremely helpful and sent it direct free of charge. Customer service and support obviously matters more to some.
  10. Thats a pretty narrow view of things. Just because someone has committed a crime doesn't mean that they will again or that they are necessarily a bad person. There are lots of ex cons doing well for themselves and doing good by others. If they have done the time then they have paid for it and deserve the chance to move on. Unless they are a rapist or paedo then they should be tortured to death very slowly.
  11. Will have to have a friendly wager to see if my little Sig can match it. Or at least get close.
  12. Will have to test it out once I have my titanium hop unit sorted. Do like the m14 ebr though.
  13. Best thing to get is a well built aeg that shoots just as far but is full auto and has no engagement distance. Was looking at a dmr not long ago that someone had put lots of time and money into and had locked it to single fire. It got about 5 metres more range than my gun and was no more accurate (I actually thought less accurate but didnt get chance for a proper test) and I only have a 247mm barrel length. I actually think the whole sniper rifle/dmr thing is a bit of a waste in airsoft.
  14. Going to give it another couple of games and see how they go. I enjoy the tinkering and enjoy playing when you get a good group of players. Just dont get many days like that lately. Might start playing golf again at least that only involves getting annoyed at yourself.
  15. I am thinking about it. Struggling to be bothered at the moment though, might just jack it in.
  16. Best way to go is on your own. You will get to know other regulars and end up playing alongside them but are still able to do your own thing when you want.
  17. Are you sure Airsoft is the right sport for you? 😉
  18. To be honest I think their priorities aren't what needs to be reorganised but maybe your attitude does.
  19. The one I took off was a uk one. The flash hider was black.
  20. A firearms ban can cover replica weapons thats probably why airsoft guns fall foul. Lets be honest it would be just as easy to threaten someone or do an armed robbery with a rif as it would a real gun.
  21. Im sure somebody can lend you a hairdryer, that and a spanner is all you need.
  22. http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/ics-t-midcap-mag-black--6pcs-box-set-180rd
  23. Your lucky she said no. If she hadn't you would have spent the next six months paying for it even though she agreed.
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