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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. How can the bank refuse to do a £12.50 bank transfer? I have had my credit card checked because of unusual activity but never heard of a bank transfer being stopped.
  2. You dont need Ukara registration to sell, you only need Ukara registration or other form of defence to buy.
  3. Can you please PM or email when you send payment. Thanks
  4. I transferred money across a week ago.Yeah Esoterick jumped the gun but I will forgive him. Will update list tomorrow evening wifes asleep and she does all the online banking crap. I only get involved with finances when I ask for pocket money.
  5. New list Hef Legend +4 - Paid in full Esoterick +6 - Paid in full Shortman/deebo -Paid in full Deebo clan members ×2 Paid in full Jedi_Master - Paid in full Alex34 +1 - Paid in full Sacarathe - paid in full Sittingduck +1 Paid in full Randymanpipe - Paid in full JohnTee - Paid in full Proffrink - Paid in full ImTriggerHappy - Paid in full i3666- paid in full Mokey - Paid in full 28 players.
  6. Did everyone get the payment details? Be prompt I need to book my holiday before Turkey and Russia make up. 😂
  7. Haha and I was so looking forward to the big hugs. ☺
  8. My god are you hoping you get a xmas gift or something. Dont listen to him everyone on here is an arse.
  9. Respect to anybody who wants to try a forward role on a bb covered floor. Hurts just kneeling on the little b@stards.
  10. I always worry about airsofters who claim they were in the forces and can teach you tactics and how to be like a real soldier. Its the old story of someone saying how they did three tours but leaving out the bit that they was only a cook.
  11. Thats just not nice. I am a sensitive person I take this sort of abuse to heart. When I end up in counselling remember whos fault it is.😢
  12. Turkish skirmish holiday fund 😂 Think might have just got the event name.
  13. Its only when they leave Turkish airspace they get issues. At least if it does crash you can get a nice send off with some braindead f*ckwits chanting "allahu akbar" over your corpse. They even post it on the internet for you.
  14. Are you sure?I might flee the country with it, could probably get a Turkish holiday for that at the moment.
  15. I was going to just sort payments out by just doing a direct bank transfer as I closed down my paypal account a while ago. One person seems to have a problem with this, is there anybody else who doesn't trust me with their £12.50? Let me know now and I will look at alternative means. Nice how some people are so trusting even when they have all my contact details.
  16. No problems mate thats far more important.Did you buy them an airsoft gun?
  17. Still waiting on a few people to send me their email addresses. Please try to sort it asap. Need all deposits in Monday.
  18. If you get all the extra content its ok.The Taken King Legendary edition has everything with it so there is plenty to do. Still need a few people playing together to get the best out of it though.
  19. 25 people booked. Still 5 places available but game is now on as long as all you f*ckers choke up your deposit ☺
  20. So much for fibre broadband. Just done a speedtest and my mobile is faster than my broadband.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ImTriggerHappy


      A bit salty maybe. But heading off all the mines bigger than yours comments.

      I di use it as a hotspot when internet was down and with my xbox one and my daughter using netflux at the same time it was fine. Depends on the stability of your signal I guess. Yes landlines are still superior at the moment but mobile is improving rapidly. Who really needs 75mbps anyway? Your still limited by the server speeds your downloading from and very few are that fast.


    3. b1n0gHo5t


      well i got a free upgrade to BT infinity a while back so i'm not going to complain

      as for the speed sure i'll never make full use of it but i can atleast stream + playgames at same time without one or the other being buttfucked sideways with a pringles can

    4. ImTriggerHappy


      Ouch nice anology

  21. 4 days left to get numbers up. All those who messaged me at the start who wanted in on this meet and for me to use my time to organise it who haven't confirmed your place let me know either way and I will either fill the places myself or at least front the deposits. To those that have booked I will Pm my email/phone number tomorrow to start sorting out deposits and arrangements for the the open day and hotel if needed. If those who asked about bringing a friend can let me know before Monday because venue confirmation has to be in for the 1st. Thanks Enjoy your evening.
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