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Everything posted by BigAl

  1. Depends what sort of paint job you want. Do you want a ruff n ready in the field look or a factory fresh look. I assume from the stencils question ( e bay by the way ) you are talking camo. Actually came pattern jobs with stencils look more like hunters guns or toys, real troops ten to use a more add hock approach. You can shoot though things like scrim nets and even stockings to get different effects. As for paint I have had good results with Halfords Camo Paint and Humbrol Aerosols 9 which can be found in Boyes Stores if theres one near you ).
  2. £60 for 100rounds, what you firing a Bazooka? Why not load your own blanks, far cheaper.
  3. It weighs 600g and despite being CO2 it shoots at .017j, wouldn't look any further myself.
  4. It also depends on wether they a muzzle venting or not.
  5. Multicam then, DDPM would be more late 90's, perhaps early 00's. Or a mix n match look.
  6. Don't know, most have them just pinned on. or perhaps a small run screw from the bottom. IIRC these also have multi piece barrels so perhaps kill to birds with one stone by adding a regular one piece barrel as well.
  7. You can fit any length Free Float you like, unless you are keeping the triangle frontsight.
  8. Having been inside the industrial unit and seen there new CNC machines and Wateriest and Lasers I can assure you they can produce them. They are an Airsoft Business as well, it isn't a sideline.
  9. Out of the two for once I might say the WE, simply because of the higher gas volume in the mag. But even better would a TM Glock.
  10. If you can prove you have ben skirmishing in the USA then you are a skirmisher and have a defence. It doesn't say anywhere in the act about having to prove you have skirmished in the UK. The fact you have skirmished in the USA while living there proves you are a skirmisher there, thus it is reasonable to believe you intend to skirmish here upon your return. I would contact UKBA again and give then whatever proof you can as your status as an active Skirmisher in the US. See where that gets you. Failing that you could probably ship them to a UK dealer for a small fee. ( if you need to go down this route pm me, I know someone who may be able to help )
  11. So it is in the UK, that rules out the use of firearms then. Sorry if UK based and withAirsoft Guns would rather go to someone like Bob Podesta.
  12. Best upgrade, throw in bin and buy something better. Whatever you do to it you will still be left with a worse gun than a proper manufacturers sportline. Seriously mate its not worth your time and effort. Save the money you'll spend on it, sell the gun if you can and wait till you can afford something better.
  13. Even if they did, so what. You got something to hide. The original post is bit dodgy for two different reasons either. 1. His first post and sailing close to being a commercial for a business. 2. Do you want to go to a foreign country to learn from strangers on the word of a stranger on the net? If you you want this sort of thing there are plenty of well established companies out there already offering it.
  14. Worst case scenario is UKBA will seize it and contact you, if you have no defence or do not get back to them they may then either destroy it or return to sender. Ironically I just had a second hand Tanaka sent from the States, I send the seller a letter to include for UKBA outlining my defence. The package arrived a few days later without them even opening it or the letter!
  15. The gun you linked to with the regular plastic haggard should be able to take most batteries. You could use Nimh ( nickel Metal Hydride ) batteries or newer Lipo / LiFe packs. The Nimh are bigger and lower performing but easier and safer, in theory. A Nimh Mini Battery should fit in your choice of gun. The newer tech batteries like Lipo's are supposedly a bit more dangerous and have been known to catch fire if abused. Don't let this frighten you as long as you use a suitable charger and watch how you charge it,preferably on a hard surface or in a Lipo Charging bag which you can buy for a fiver you will be fine. Also do not subject the batteries to abuse, such a puncture or bend them. Lip's perform a lot better than Nimh so do not go above a 7.4v pack, it will perform the same or better than a Nimh 10.8v. An 11.1v Lipo will make you gun run fast with great trigger response but it will also kill you gun a lot faster! One other thing to bare in mind, never fully discharge a lipo or you will kill it, a lip alarm will prevent this, it simply plug into the charging lead and an red led/audible beep tells you when to stop using it and discharge. This is the battery I use, you may find a larger one will fit but I know this will fit easy ( infact you could carry a second on in the gun ready to just swap the connectors over. http://www.component...po-battery.html The charger I use iirc or a very similar one http://www.component...e-with-psu.html The charging bag ( not essential but good for piece of mind ). http://www.component...-bag-large.html Lipo Alarm, this one does not have audible beep, so just check it when in safe zone or at lunch. http://www.component...-7-4-14-8v.html Any decent airsoft shop should be able to advise you and supply similar gear and if bought along with a gun there is a good chance of a discount. If not Component shop a good to deal with.
  16. Done years ago by Epson on Arnies, takes Thompson or Uzi Mags by the look of it..
  17. Blackhawk used to make one, don't know if they still make it as more common these days is the plastic cqc mount.
  18. G & P mate. The G & G would be a good gun but would not have the correct trades, the Ares make have a dodgy box. The G & P will have a good box and the correct trades.
  19. It is ironic that you say you don't know how they get some many views and you share the video. You may share it only to a few and for goos reason but still. Anyway one day these idiots are going to come unstuck, I just hope nobody ( even them, begrudgingly ) is hurt in the process.
  20. Maruzen and Tanaka used to make NBB's and I have a Tanaka GBB. All very rare.
  21. Might help if you state what make it is and wether its Spring, NBB or GBB. Though I suspect it is something cheap and nasty or an Old Gun either way your gonna struggle getting parts.
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