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Everything posted by BigAl

  1. Blackhawk used to make one, don't know if they still make it as more common these days is the plastic cqc mount.
  2. G & P mate. The G & G would be a good gun but would not have the correct trades, the Ares make have a dodgy box. The G & P will have a good box and the correct trades.
  3. It is ironic that you say you don't know how they get some many views and you share the video. You may share it only to a few and for goos reason but still. Anyway one day these idiots are going to come unstuck, I just hope nobody ( even them, begrudgingly ) is hurt in the process.
  4. Maruzen and Tanaka used to make NBB's and I have a Tanaka GBB. All very rare.
  5. Might help if you state what make it is and wether its Spring, NBB or GBB. Though I suspect it is something cheap and nasty or an Old Gun either way your gonna struggle getting parts.
  6. Look at secondhand kit mate, for £250 you can get a lot of gun, or a good gun with lots of mags or other accessories.
  7. Technically it is assault, wish one of them coppers had nicked him. If he did it to me I would punch him in the face and claim self defence!
  8. Armoury look is easy to find do a google image search.
  9. Should make a trap door in the floor to use the under deck area as added storage. Anything down there would need to be in airtight containers though.
  10. ASG isn't a make or at least they didn't use to be they simply used to re brans other guns. I think with the Scorpion however they have actually made it themselves, and done a dam fine job. Would by one myself but love the recoil of my ERG.
  11. Way too fancy for an Ak but each to there own.
  12. Problem is the Hydro Dip wood patterns are all fancy walnut and burl wood etc, which is a far cry from the laminated sh*t used on Ak's.
  13. There is a second hand transparent plastic bodied CM16 for sale on another forum for £50 + £20 postage. Be far better than the one you linked to. You could add a metal body later when you have a defence.
  14. Rubbish, better of hiring or saving up till you can afford something better. Look at the G&G Polymer Combat Machines, best bang for buck started M4 out there.
  15. Sure it can be done, you may loose the blowback feature though.
  16. Bo Dynamics should be fine. You haven't mentioned any load bearing equipment? How do you carry mags, batteries, bb's etc?
  17. Generally if it comes with a battery bin it, or keep it as a spare. Buy a decent battery or two and a good charger.
  18. First off as said above forget anything from Just BB Guns they are toys not suitable for skirmishing. Probably break on first outing and will definitely have you seriously outgunned. The G&G gun you linked to however would be an excellent starter gun, if you want to save bit of cash there polymer rather than metal guns are just as good. As for pistols forget about them for know and concentrate on you primary and other kit such as batteries charger and mags. Pistols are fun but often end up just as holster fillers. You can always buy one later, spending the cash on a better primary or kit would be a far better idea at your level.
  19. What gun is what parts have beeb painted and do you know what paint was used. If bought from a shop give them a bell explain you know have a defence and seek there advice on best way to remove paint. Two other options are simply spray over the two tone or if it's just the furniture replace it with new possibly better stuff.
  20. Why would they charge different for what you are wearing unless Costume means one they supply?
  21. Where in the country do you live mate. IF you can afford to just buy another gun, why don't you get this one looked at by a local tech or a shop first? Is there anyone at home that could drop it off at a local shop or post it for you? One quick thought when you last used it where you firing in auto or semi? If semi sometimes they lock up, simply flipping th selector over to auto may solve it. If not an experienced Tech can probably fix it in no time.
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