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Berto last won the day on October 22 2016

Berto had the most liked content!

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  • Guns
    KSC m11a1 and 26C
    Maruzen Uzi pistol
    G&G CM raider
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  1. What's the best way to discharge them, just shoot the gun?
  2. Try and join a squad before going into the dark zone, with 3 other people backing you up you'll fly through the levels and less people will try and steal your stash of goodies
  3. I find the red dot goes fuzzy if I close one eye, I naturally use both eyes and focus on the target, then move the gun in line. I use iron sights or a rifle scope with just one eye tho
  4. Oh, why didn't you say, that makes it all alright then. *This post was brought to you today by sarcasm
  5. No idea what I was thinking of then, sorry for the wrong info, my bad
  6. Make sure it's acetone nail varnish remover, won't effect any plastic part, you can pick up a cheap bottle at boots etc for about £1
  7. Has anyone just used work trousers with the foam knee pads? I use these for working in the workshop and they are idea, nice and sturdy, plenty of pockets and the knee pads mean you can kneel on concrete/screws etc as much as you like without feeling a thing. Got a pair from Aldi for about £13 and the knee pads were £4. I also got a pair from B&Q for £22 and the aldi knee pads fit them too. Edit, £8.99 now http://whatsgoodtodo.co.uk/aldi-specialbuys-workzone-mens-work-trousers-review/
  8. http://www.landwarriorairsoft.com/aiming-devices-mounts-and-bipods-c7/iron-sights-c77/g-g-detachable-front-sight-for-cm-series-short-p3453/s4279
  9. What are your aims? Higher fps, rof, better hop etc.
  10. Berto

    KWA Glock 19

    Soak the o rings and valves in silicon oil overnight and try them out to see how they deal, you might get away with it. Use the same silicon oil to clean and lube the gun also, take the slide off and make sure you remove dust etc, have a quick YouTube seach for a video guide. Search for RC car shock absorber oil, it's cheaper than the airsoft specific and it's exactly the same.
  11. Get on the ukara then get one then. Patience will benefit you in the end
  12. 08 golf gti 5 door. Perfect for the family and great fun
  13. Smug prick. And he's giving a nazi salute, only one word for him and im far to polite to type it.
  14. I hang a trowel from our washing line, makes a great sound and it's a moving target. I shoot from inside the house out the back doors, it's quite a built up area so I'd rather not risk scaring neighbours.
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