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  1. Just ordered a 30mm aimpoint rail mount for my G36. Will look nice filled with an LED Lenser P7 lighting up the dark buildings
  2. Well I got my G36C, bought a 552 replica off Josh95 and took Samurai's advice and got the G36C trademark plate:
  3. Just ordered myself one. The JG is pretty bare from what I have read. Some are suggesting getting better/different batteries than the one supplied and a better charger. Any thoughts on that mate?
  4. Did your come with one on or is that link to one you applied yourself mate?
  5. I love the trades on these! Wish my JG came with them!
  6. Hiya guys, Pending the arrival of my JG G36C, I thought I would make a thread for people to post up pictures of their G36's. Looking for ideas and inspiration.
  7. Not sure what camera he used, but he certainly has some talent! Here is his YouTube page: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPUXM4VHVgT4ZKx0wY32BHw
  8. I've done some reading up on this, and my JG G36C should arrive tomorrow. I will of course let you know how I get on.
  9. Some time ago me and some friends went skirmishing at SWAT in Chester, with one of our mates doing some photography and video work, which I am sure you will agree is pretty awesome with some brilliant editing. Thought this could be of some interest to you guys: Hope you enjoy guys
  10. Welcome, I'm pretty new here myself!
  11. Hiya guys, Just wondering if anyone has used Gunfire, the Poland based airsoft supplier (www.gunfire.pl). If so, how did you find the delivery and service? I'm waiting for a G36C and a IBA Tac Vest. The status is currently shown as "IN PROGRESS" and the funds have left my Paypal. What, from your experiences is the next stage? Is delivery fairly reasonable in terms of time? Thanks all
  12. LED Lenser P7 is a good shout
  13. Hi all, Thought I would sign up on here. I used to skirmish a while back with friends but with work and life getting in the way, it has not been an option for the last year or so. My gun has been collecting dust and it's time for a change! I will have a read up on here Thanks folks.
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