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Everything posted by Shortenhauzen

  1. Not yet but probably won't be long or should i say short !!!
  2. Well i will be 50 in early Feb next year so looks like i will be getting combined pressies xmas / Birthday so i have been asked if i would like a rifle !!! I also shoot air rifles in a pest control / hobby type way aswell so do i go Air Rifle or Air Soft Hhhhhhhmmmmm . Got 3 Air Rifles and only 2 Air soft rifles so to even things up i am thinking of asking for ICS CXP APE as the Tan & Black makes me a little moist , You're only 50 once and i believe myself to be lucky i have reached this age so far still in one piece !!! So yeah think i will go Air soft
  3. Another Pro-Win hop up unit and a maple leaf Hop rubber to go in the JG M4 S-SYSTEM . Spent today cutting the mag well to accept the one piece hop and it works !!!! Surprised myself really .......
  4. Picked this up locally and today changed the battery connection to deans so i can try it with the lipo's i have for my other M4. All works !!! So the JG M4 S -System for £80 will make a good back up / stand by rifle . Still needs a bit of tlc but so far so good, The Aimpoint works aswell !!
  5. Well thanks for the info and comments gents, I went and bought it for £80 . It's in fair condition , Needs a bit of TLC so will give me a little project to play with and learn a bit more about the " workings " of a AEG.
  6. Certainly looks the same box in the link, Good find thanks 1
  7. No better pic's of box i'm afraid. Apparently it's all metal and has been used as a garden plinker for a couple of years. being advertised for £125 but the battery it has won't hold charge for long and comes with 1 mag / aim point. Worth a punt for £100 ? Are the JG's any good ? Thanks for the replies so far Barry
  8. Can anyone tell me the make of this here rifle ?? May be buying it but owner nor me knows what it is ?? Would to know if poss before i go check it out !! Thanks in advance gents
  9. Shame you are not UKARA sorted as the rifle that would do you well is for sale on this very website !!!
  10. Having come into Airsofting recently and rapidly approaching 50 years of age !!! Forums like this are a godsend for info etc. I am also a keen hunter using Air Rifles and again the forums i belong to are on the whole excellent place for info and help. My location also inhibits me visiting shops as on the IOW we have one gun shop and that's it . We also have just the one Skirmish site which carries various spares etc. and has been very helpful to me in the answering of my noob questions . It's also the only place i get to see and feel other Rifles ( ) With regard to youngsters , Yes they are spoilt imho. I know my nephew seems to have very little understanding of what stuff is worth. He would quite often leave any of the following hanging around and then start pestering his parents with " where is my ipod/ipad/laptop/ " Hundreds of pounds worth of stuff he would leave somewhere and not be bothered about it. He would always be asking for stuff ( i am sure he is not unique in this !! ) with the argument " my mate has it so why can't i ? " As for youngsters asking for help on forums , I would think / hope that's the best route for them to take in the hope they get the right advice in which to make an informed decision on what to purchase. Would also be good if they would direct the parents to the same forum so they could ask questions too ? and see just what little johnny or Jane for that matter are getting in to !! Hope that all makes sense !!
  11. From Taiwangun.com ( good service again ) KJW Glock23 with a spare mag for £80 delivered
  12. I have a two toned M4 ( in red ) and to be honest i like it as it is , I now have my defence but don't want to change it , Maybe one day !!! My only site is woodland based and i don't see it as a disadvantage. This be mine
  13. Not good , Always someone ready to take the pi$$ . Happens on many forums Air Rifles , Fishing etc they have no shame, People need to be informed when it happens in the hope it stops anyone else getting done . Hope you get it sorted
  14. And forgot to mention this is supposed to run on both propellent's
  15. Recently purchased one of the above ( second hand ) with 2 x Co2 mags , Fires nicely although i have had buggered up one mag but that's another story !! Anyway decided to buy 2 x Green Gas mags for it so i have the option to run it on both depending on the scenario . Ordered the mags from Taiwangun.com and they arrived today with no probs. Filled the mags with gas ( WE green gas ) and BB's and proceeded to fire the pistol. 1st mag would only cycle the slide a few shots then would need to re cock the slide , Towards the end of the mag it ran about 10 shots fine . 2nd mag never fired a BB ?? refilled it again but didn't any go in so reloaded in pistol , still nothing !!! Cut a long story short one mag will fire IF i pull the bottom of the mag towards me ? 2nd mag i can't do much with think i fired 2 BB's with it . Any idea's people ? I have searched the net for info but not found much apart from a forum which showed some one with a nut glued on the valve ( knock ) to make it work ???? Is something worn ie the part which hit's the knock valve ? I have tapped the valves with an allen key and the gas escapes fine. I have also reused the co2 mag and that works fine . Thanks in advance Barry
  16. So in essence despite me reading about 6.03 barrels are an improvement , 6.03 are not and we should be going bigger not smaller ?? I changed mine as i found the BB's would curve off to one side despite tweaking the hop up and replacing the rubber. I used it yesterday but weather conditions were wet and windy so was not easy to see if there was an improvement or not ( was still good fun mind !! ). Sorry to the OP as i may be hijacking his thread !!! I also confess to not measuring the original barrel before changing it but will measure it tonight.
  17. I have the same / Simillar ( T4 or TR4 ??? ) and fitted a 285mm Madbul , If memory is correct the barrel length was 275mm to start with so only 10mm sticking out. Fitted a small silencer and all looks good !!
  18. I have got tickets for The Mall one @ Reading and really looking forward to it. Going with my son-in-law elect. Does look good and just need to pick a date now
  19. Very simillar to trying to ban " Air Rifles " and or licence them. Any time there is an election this gets rolled out and doesn't really get anywhere. I have been shooting and Hunting / pest control for the last 5/6 years with sub 12ft/ib Air rifles and am still surprised by the reaction when and if the subject matter arises re guns / hunting. " you have guns ? you hunt ? you shoot rabbits ? thats just wrong , All guns should be banned and the rabbits don't do any harm !!! " Poorly informed, knee jerk reaction in my opinion and when you try to explain the damage rabbits cause etc well you may as well spit in the wind. I have found the same reaction to my recent venture in to Airsoft !!! Won't get anywhere as it's just plain stupid !!!
  20. Brillant that , Hope it does you proud . Always interested when people show their skill in making things, Mainly because i am jealous and wish i could do half of what they can do !!! Fine thread and look forward to further updates Thanks for sharing too
  21. I have just bought the Accucell 6 charger and even with the instructions struggled a bit to work out what to do. Got there in the end but as with the OP my instructions said to use the main plug ( deans in my case ) aswell as the balance lead / plug. When i ordered mine though there was an option to add extra adaptors so i added the deans one. Mine took about 50 minutes to charge ( 7.4v 2000 mah 20c )
  22. Still looks cool if not practical .
  23. Thanks for the Welcome Gents, Seems to be alot of info here so think i need to go back to basic's and learn some of the lingo on here !!! Seems to be a lot of abbriveations going around me head
  24. Hi there names Barry and after promising to have ago at Airsoft , Finally got round to it and loved it !!! Have been shooting Air rifles for a few years carrying out pest control for various permissions i have on the Isle Of Wight. Was also a regular Paintballer for a while untill the " Hunting " took over !!!. Island Recon is my local site and had a great time there so will be looking forward to the next game day when annouced. Ok off to scout the forum for info ............. Cheers Barry.
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