- Kids believe what they read, what they see in videos, don't think how it could be spiel
- Get far more excited about this kind of thing than they used to due to CoD, BF etc.
- Stressed parents don't mind spending cheap to get said child to be quiet
I'm sure he makes a lot of money, lets just hope he's paying his tax
Was looking forward to seeing him there, his puddle of orange in the sea of Black and Tan
I'll give him credit in finding a niche in the market and exploiting it, but that's as far as my 'liking' goes
The cheapo shotguns are good though, that's about it
To be honest its been so long I can't remember if I was arguing if it was a chipmunk or squirrel, all i know is its now a chipmunk with a squirrel's tail photo shopped onto it..
Two Zero i hope your being Sarcastic otherwise i'm as confused as Nickona's Chipmunk (Wherever did that thread go? Sorry Nick!)
well seeing as they're still putting crap like that about (Although the 4 Inch gas version is slightly Skirmishable like any revolver) they are as bad as Z1 IMO
Well here is my ICS SA80 L86A2 LSW and SOCOM Gear Punisher.45
L86A2 + Punisher
Hope you like, getting a sniper soon i'll post that up once I have it