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SSG24 - novritsch

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I'm guessing some of you will have seen the new rifle novritsch has released the SSG24. Currently being retailed at $460 but after a certain time period I think it's after the 14th it goes to $780! That seems a tad much however I'm wondering what you all think about the video and the gun itself?


Edit - Ok so I read it wrong it should apparently retail at $780 but he is selling it for $500

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Considering the mark up he put on "his" scopecam then I'd not be interested in it at all. I watched one of his last vids and he basically slated the TM VSR (that he has been running all these years and got him his fame) which shows his agenda quite clearly. Sad thing is he will sell loads and they may be great but will be no better than what folk can already build with a lot less money than his will cost (when it's price goes up).

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6.01 aluminium barrel - nope

the hop unit looks rather .... meh

Un-named/branded hop rubber


And he has ripped off edgi piston design


I dunno it's a lot off cash, I would rather build my own tbh

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6.01 aluminium barrel - nope

the hop unit looks rather .... meh

Un-named/branded hop rubber


And he has ripped off edgi piston design


I dunno it's a lot off cash, I would rather build my own tbh

Building your own is part of the fun of it!

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Oh, I am sure it will be popular here in the 'retirement state'. But it will be great - for me. Ill take on anyone with my VSR - lets see which is really better... muhahahahahahahahaha

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This is actually this: https://www.airsoft-military-news.com/review-modify-mod24-sniper/


None of the internals are EdGi, I've been speaking to Ed all afternoon lol


Wasn't entirely sure even after I did a complete takedown of mine halfway through Novritsch's video, but thanks for confirming my suspicions :P


Which even then means he's still doing considerable markup.

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That is a stupid mark up for what is basically a fluted barrel, a barrel spacer and a butt pad with a logo on it.

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Unfortunately, Nov has fallen to the dark side of sponsorship. I remember the day he went from his TM G18 and Safariland holster to whatever C02 gun and crappy $20 generic holster he uses now. This is the same - I have no doubt his VSR is better, I have no doubt my VSR is better, and I have no doubt that people will believe that just because his name is on it that its an end-all gun.

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That is a stupid mark up for what is basically a fluted barrel, a barrel spacer and a butt pad with a logo on it.

I believe the fluted barrel is only for the first batch isn't it? So if you didnt get the first lot you will get the regular barrel if I read his advert for it properly

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I believe the fluted barrel is only for the first batch isn't it? So if you didnt get the first lot you will get the regular barrel if I read his advert for it properly

Exactly how I had understood it

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I loved his comment in the reveal video saying it was by far the best sniper he'd ever held/had. Wouldn't be anything to do with the fact he'd designed it etc then no.

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Well either stupidly or not I just ordered one of Novritsch's SSG24 rifles.

Fortunately the sale of my VSR-10 more or less paid for it, and I am to expect the rifle sometime late March early April.

Whilst I loved my VSR-10 having been my own rifle upgraded from basic to Mancraft and was a good performer in terms of fps consistency, I never used it because it would never shoot straight (bbs curved left near the end of the flight trajectory) and that frustrated me #OCD.

No matter how many times I opened it and lined everything up including the AA hop up chamber, every shot curved.

Even took it to a tech and he couldn't figure it out why tried different chambers, barrells etc nothing.

So I sold my VSR-10 to start again and had the money, was looking for a new rifle when this popped up and was like ok I'll have that, already upgraded out of the box, no need to open and fiddle with it, well fingers crossed.


I'll let you guys know how ito performs.

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Go ahead Shiz. Tempted to get one myself from the first batch just for the heck of it, but ill likely pass. To me, guns like that are like the G28 - they say pre-upgraded, but they won't be truly top of the line like some of our homemade VSRs. And to get them to that level you are going to end up replacing most parts anyway. It is at least VSR compatible?...

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I don't think it's VSR Compatible but it's a rifle I would prefer to buy and never have to open up to fix or upgrade.

Don't get me wrong I enjoy upgrading and teching a lot and I've learnt a lot about AEGs and GBBs over the past two years.

And that said when I get the rifle there will probably be bits and bobs about it I'll change but I'll only know when i get it and shoot it, knowing my luck it will be a curver too lol.

But my old VSR10 just never played ball, yeah I could out range AEGs but the shot always went straight then the last few yards would curve left.

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But my old VSR10 just never played ball, yeah I could out range AEGs but the shot always went straight then the last few yards would curve left.

Sounds like you had the scope aligned to the gun rather than the hop, a little twist on the scope would have fixed that.

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