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GZ Weekender/NAE 2012

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I don't think your brother's ideas and mine are mutually exclusive, Craig.

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I say we all jump on Skype and work our plans out over that? My address is jacob.wright.apaws


If we can all organise a time when we'll all be on that would he handy :P

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Hi all


Me and Liam porter and Luke will all be heading down from Kings Lynn on the Friday morning, if anyone is in need of a seat there is one spare with plenty of space for luggage and we are all just going to contribute toward fuel, so if anyone wants a seat there's fairly cheap one going :)


On another note its looking like its going to be an awesome weekend :)

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I say we all jump on Skype and work our plans out over that? My address is jacob.wright.apaws


If we can all organise a time when we'll all be on that would he handy :P

Good idea. I'm available most late evenings, but not from next Fri-Mon cos my g/f is staying with me.


mos.daft = me

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@jcheeseright yeah sure. Or hit me up on Skype when you get back if you've got any ideas. My address is above somewhere.


But yeah, looks like we've got a good crew together!

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i'll say this although i'm not going make sure you take a compass Each and find North before Game on in relation to the Map Mark it No point talking to each other if no one can Navigate.


i'm sure everyone force's or not knew that but just trying to make sure you don't forget helpfull stuff

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G/F's can't live with them.......


I joke, how about friday evening then?

Can't kill them!


Totally - she lives in Manchester and I'm in Nottingham. As far as living with goes, I've been there, seen it, done it, and worn the flipping T-Shirt out! Never again... but that does mean that when either of us travels to see the other, the rest of our lives have to go on the back burner. She'll have my pretty much undivided attention from about 19:30 Fri-12:00 Mon.


Good point Craig. I've actually got one of those little compasses that are made to go on 20mm straps attached to my vest - but I rarely use it, lol!

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Yeah +1 on the compass note, from what I've heard it sounds like a fairly big site!


And I wouldn't know, but mine lives in the same town so not too far to travel! I'm working til 10 tonight but to be honest I'll definitely be on after, or we can just leave it til Monday.


And does anyone have any large-ish maps of the area?

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Yeah, Monday is better - James will be back then. No hurry yet, eh?

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you are given a map at the site but you can print off some from the NAE page in the photo section

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you are given a map at the site but you can print off some from the NAE page in the photo section

I don't actually have a printer, but my g/f does so I immediately wondered:


Are the maps they give us any good?


Is it worth downloading what they offer/getting my g/f to print it/them?


Is there a good satelite view and, if so, can one of you veterans add labels to it to make a gucci map for us?

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there not bad a bit hard to make out but it is still useful

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Where do you park cars? Next to your tent?


And what's everyone sleeping in?

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I know that everyone is swapping numbers so that we can all contact eachother, but we are still all going to arrive at different times. When we get there how are we actually going to find each other?

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I know that everyone is swapping numbers so that we can all contact eachother, but we are still all going to arrive at different times. When we get there how are we actually going to find each other?


I was wondering that..

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In a crowd of 1500 people and their cars and tents, when the patches are so small? Good luck to everyone!


Has anyone got a flag or banner that will be visible from the rest of the camp area?

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who me 5ft9ish and im still waiting on my flag should be arriving next week

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Can't wait! But on another note, does anyone have any experience with WE G39's? I keep trying to load mine up with gas, but I get 5 rounds off and it's dead with no gas.

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