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GBB SVD There is a god.

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I don't normally like SVDs, but it seems that if it's gas and has blow back, then I like it a lot more!

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I've never looked. Only need GBBs in pictures online (apart from pistols) as my local sites don't allow them.

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Oh I knew that o.O

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Dear AF-UK.


Finius was involved in an accident this evening after watching a video on youtube and suffering a near-fatal overload in his testicular production region.


Due to there not being nearly enough tissue in the city of Coventry to deal with the resultant explosion, we would like you to send all donations of tissues, kleenex, or anything that can be used to mop up white goo, to coventry university.


Then, buy Finius one of these whilst he recoups from spunking himself silly.


Jus' sayin'


CLEANUPFINIUS'BALLSTUFF is NOT a registered charity, but we'd still like tissues and an SVD.

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Dear AF-UK.


Finius was involved in an accident this evening after watching a video on youtube and suffering a near-fatal overload in his testicular production region.


Due to there not being nearly enough tissue in the city of Coventry to deal with the resultant explosion, we would like you to send all donations of tissues, kleenex, or anything that can be used to mop up white goo, to coventry university.


Then, buy Finius one of these whilst he recoups from spunking himself silly.


Jus' sayin'


CLEANUPFINIUS'BALLSTUFF is NOT a registered charity, but we'd still like tissues and an SVD.


There really needs to be a Facebook style 'Like' button on here lol.

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