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New CQB Site opening in Watford area

Mitchell Gee
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Hey there... in around 5 weeks there is a new CQB site opening in the Watford area... it is going to be ran by Jason from Red1Airsoft... that is all I know at the moment... im sure someone else will know more than me so feel free to post any information below...




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i think you should remove this, when its done Alex will do a topic, send dev a message to remove this!

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If jason was on his own working for a school, he wouldnt get it, Alex's dad is trying to get it too.....

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I'm 13,

Basically, Alex Gale will most likely make a topic on this because his father and some other guys are working for this school to use as a site, Jason is one of the "other guys" working with Alex's Dad. ...

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Man I cant wait. Especially as it will be the only cqb site remotely near me! And a school, that just says it all... Hope it goes through.

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yeah, plus there are supposed to be Royal Marines teaching us tactics! :D

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Hey there... in around 5 weeks there is a new CQB site opening in the Watford area... it is going to be ran by Jason from Red1Airsoft... that is all I know at the moment... im sure someone else will know more than me so feel free to post any information below...





Hi I'm new here, just curious, is this an outdoor or indoor site?


Thanks DAS,

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kind of both, mainly indoor, the field and stuff is most likely not going to be used.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Im friends with the owner and it should be up and running soon, cant give a date though :) Its gonna be full auto everywhere with no BANG kills allowed, so you will be there to get hurt.

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Yeah, the maximum i would pay would be £25 just because its the only school you could play at locally.

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It's actually in a school?, that's does sound good though. Id give it a try but unless it was cheaper or truly yhe best site I've ever been to, I wouldn't pay that much. I'm pushing it at £25 for CSW, the only thing keeping me there is its walking distance and a great site.

I look forward to hearing news and photos etc though

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Yes it is actually a school, its not open any more and has been cleared out etc. Its really modern as well. Its one of the few CQB sites that allow full auto so should be good.

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At my site nearly all we play is room clearing, its great fun and it's nice to know I'm not

He only one who walks around school thinking 'this place would be a great skirmish site', and fantasising about lighting up unsuspecting year7s :lol:

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I've always wanted to airsoft in a school. I may have to get myself to this site sometime in the future when it's been up and running a while.

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hopefully i'll go to the first public game so i'll let you guys know what its like :)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Right guys let me clear this all up a bit.


My and dad Jason and two other partners co-own the site. We've got it but we need to finish up the work there. I visited it today and it's making good progress; there are barricades in the courtyard between the two school buildings we have access to which should make for an interesting crossfire. There are also barricades inside and we've built mini rooms in the rooms with wood with doors for really good room clearing. There also secret doors and stuff and there's plenty of cover. There will be roughly 110 rooms in the site when finished.


The price hasn't been decided yet. As for the Royal marine training, that's run by UTAG and will be on the skirmish day but it is not part of the skirmish (it's a seperate thing). I went on the course and it was very good + the tactics were suprisingly effective for airsoft. You can see a video of that here: http://www.youtube.com/user/Alexnator97?fe...u/1/5badi9jaUjI


Hopefully that's made things a bit clearer, I will post more info in the next few weeks. Any questions feel free to ask.

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