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New to Airsoft - What Full Face to get?


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Hi guys, 


Im trying to find a good full face mask to start with that’s a reasonable price, not cheap, so good quality between £50-£100. I have been to my first Airsoft session and would like to get a few of the basics before my next game:


Gloves (Finger shots are not groovy)


Crotch Guard (This was the last shot of the day and it got me where a Crotch Guard would protect me :D 


I’m sorted now for Gloves and guard, I just need face protection. 

All shops near me sell the dye masks but they seem a bit pricey for my first mask. The mask I’ve focused on is the HK Army HSTL. Looks good, didn’t fog (dual lens) during my rental game as this was the brand i used during my first game in the rental pack, it was comfortable for the entire day. My other requirement is that it’s not a unique mask online and getting hold of the parts for it is difficult and costly. 

Would you recommend the HK Army HSTL or would you opt for something better for the money? 





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I'd pay less, for a Valken MI-7, or more for a Dye of your choice.


I use the Valken, and it's the only eye-pro that I've never managed to fog up. It's got a dual-pane lens, that sits just far enough clear of your face so that I can't sweat it up.  The Dyes are apparently more tolerating in fit, but I'm fine with the harder plastic of the Valken.

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24 minutes ago, Mik3F said:

I managed to get a Dye SE with thermal lense from eBay for £45

I'd be careful buying PPE from ebay. Unless it comes in the original packaging and unopened you won't know its history and whether it's taken a hit and is damaged

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24 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

I'd be careful buying PPE from ebay. Unless it comes in the original packaging and unopened you won't know its history and whether it's taken a hit and is damaged


I have never replaced or discarded eyepro because it's taken a hit. Do you do it often?

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I bought the valken mi-7, recommended above by Rogerborg, as my first mask, and it has been pretty good. I've managed to mist it up a few times, really depends on the weather. These days it soldiers on as a loaner (along with some cheap kombat full face masks with a mesh goggle section).

Personally I prefer a reasonable quality set of mesh goggles paired with a separate mesh and fabric lower face guard. My first pair of nuprol mesh goggles have taken tens of hits ( maybe 30 or so, I wasn't counting) with about 6 visible dents before I decided to retire them and replace with a identical pair.

The mesh vs polycarbonate lense debate rages on, but I have confidence in them (certainly much more so than the plethora of open sided/non full seal shooting glasses you see people wearing), with the slight draw back of the darker picture significantly offset by the fact you never need to worry about fogging.

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13 hours ago, Cannonfodder said:

I'd be careful buying PPE from ebay. Unless it comes in the original packaging and unopened you won't know its history and whether it's taken a hit and is damaged


Mine was brand new and sealed and came via an airsoft shop that sells on eBay

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12 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


I have never replaced or discarded eyepro because it's taken a hit. Do you do it often?

Not if it's taken 1 hit but I do replace them every couple of years or so as polycarbonate can degrade over time 

9 minutes ago, Mik3F said:


Mine was brand new and sealed and came via an airsoft shop that sells on eBay

Fair enough, my point was about buying second hand

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1 hour ago, Cannonfodder said:

polycarbonate can degrade over time


Hmm, that's actually a fair point. It applies to motorcycle helmets as well, although I tend to change mine as a fashion choice, because I'm a tart.



4 hours ago, The_Lord_Poncho said:

Personally I prefer a reasonable quality set of mesh goggles paired with a separate mesh and fabric lower face guard.


Despite my Valken recommendation, I do too, particularly outdoors. I had to switch from (dual pane, Revision wiped, fan vented) goggles on Sunday because of the high humidity and general sweaty unfitness.


If you are going mesh, I'd suggest Heroshark, or an equivalent using (e.g. and what I use) 3.5mm hole / 4.5mm pitch / 1mm sheet.  The cheapest goggles will stop impacts, but you'll want to examine them after every game and keep a spare in the bag (which obviates the point of going cheap)

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One thing to bear in mind is that the paintball style masks make it nigh on impossible to use your sights without some sort of riser

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6 hours ago, Cannonfodder said:

One thing to bear in mind is that the paintball style masks make it nigh on impossible to use your sights without some sort of riser


Good point. @WillMidzare you dead set on full face?  Glasses/goggles (polycarb or mesh) + a mesh+fabric lower face mask like this (not a recommendation, just a for-example) provides a good combination of protection and cheek-weldability.



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I have what Rogerborg has an image of above. use a sniper with standard height sight and no issues. Face covering is such a personal choice, I rarely see two set ups the same.

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18 hours ago, WillMidz said:

Brilliant thanks guys! Does anyone own a Dye i4/i4 pro/ i5. Would you recommend one and why? Which of the dye masks would you go for over the others ? 


I have the Dye SE Thermal full face mask, but I also have a pair of Glasses and mesh Half face mask too that I wear


As others have mentioned a full face makes using optics hard without a riser so that is something to consider

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All (legitimate) paintball goggles are suitable as full face airsoft goggles.

As mentioned an alternative for airsoft is a combination of eye protection plus face shield


Dye became the go to goggles in airsoft, perhaps partly due to looks & speedsofters, but perhaps also because their designs tend to be compact 

Thet work better with small heads, eg I had i3s but the i4 left out my chin, and pretty much the bottom of my mouth


Some features loved by airsofters and attributed to Dye are the equivalents that are found in all premium paintball goggles - better air flow, soft rubber bodies (aids getting your chin into your stock for sights), and dual pane lenses took some time to come as default with the budget/rental grades


My personal favourite (that can be bought) are GI/VForce Grills - these also have handy slots in the foam for glasses users


Number one is eye protection - I will always point away from glasses types of eye protection and try to direct to a goggle style even when not full face (eg snowboard / ski style goggles)


Number two is your head - what fits comfortably and works for air flow with one head doesn’t with another 


If you can then try goggles on.  If you’re lucky enjoy then go to a bricks & mortar shop where you can ask and try some on, failing that ask other players about theirs - everyone loves to talk about their gear, most will let you try on their goggles


Spares are less of an issue - the main brands usually have a range of lenses so you can choose clear for common use, a tint for open sunlight etc.  But when it comes to the lenses getting old the goggles are probably getting a bit tired so you may want a fresh strap - add those together and you’re usually pretty close to the price of replacing them


Main brands do however usually provide other spares right down to replacement foam and clips 


The grills were popular and didn’t change their core design for many years, opting to bring out colour variations - I therefore often bought a new set every year at discounted prices as the new seasons pretty colour mix came out 

This means I change goggles rather than changing lens for a sunny / dull / indoor / outdoor game - or my bright marshalling set

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Pb masks always seemed a bit bulky for my liking, Even the low profile designs. I'd always recommend a glasses/goggles and mesh mask combo. I like using the small profile one Tigris masks as the majority of generic china made mesh masks over shoot your chin by a mile, which pushes the mask up into your eye pro when you look down. The other issue I've found with all these masks is they are not a great shape. Face wise and the eye pro contour so they do need tweaking. Finally I would say if you can attach the mask to the eye pro if you can. This has a couple of benefits. It stops the gap between the mask and eye pro and there's less straps to deal with around your head. As for eye pro that's a very much down to what works for you. Obviously mesh is incredibly dangerous. I've lost several eyes over the years and I'm only left with 2 working eyes now.



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