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Should I buy another TM VSR10 G spec


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I have already bought one about 9 months ago and am thinking of getting another. When I got it, I did some small upgrades (thanks to you guys) that improved the range and accuracy, but kept the stock spring so my son could cock it.

What's happened now is that both my son and daughter love using it so I don't get a look in! I also really enjoy using it and as it's on the 1J limit we don't have a minimum engagement distance, this means I don't have to worry about my kids accidently shooting someone at close range.

So, with this in mind I'm thinking or buying another one and upgrading to a higher specification, maybe 2J. This would be MY rifle! :) I'm struggling a bit with spending £230 in a rifle and then spending £200+ on upgrading by replacing the new parts. I'm happy to invest and do the work but don't want to throw money away.


Question is, should I be looking at a cheaper platform than the TM to start with if I'm going to end up throwing a load of parts away?


I love the look of the VSR10 G spec with the silencer, its a really nice looking weapon!.....



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21 minutes ago, Reef said:

I have already bought one about 9 months ago and am thinking of getting another. When I got it, I did some small upgrades (thanks to you guys) that improved the range and accuracy, but kept the stock spring so my son could cock it.

What's happened now is that both my son and daughter love using it so I don't get a look in! I also really enjoy using it and as it's on the 1J limit we don't have a minimum engagement distance, this means I don't have to worry about my kids accidently shooting someone at close range.

So, with this in mind I'm thinking or buying another one and upgrading to a higher specification, maybe 2J. This would be MY rifle! :) I'm struggling a bit with spending £230 in a rifle and then spending £200+ on upgrading by replacing the new parts. I'm happy to invest and do the work but don't want to throw money away.


Question is, should I be looking at a cheaper platform than the TM to start with if I'm going to end up throwing a load of parts away?


I love the look of the VSR10 G spec with the silencer, its a really nice looking weapon!.....





If you're planning to gut it and slap a bunch of spangly bits in to raise the FPS then I'd say get a Cyma 701b and buy the upgrades you want. If you really want a shorter barrel and suppressor to get the same look as a G spec then there's plenty of parts out there to replicate that.

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33 minutes ago, Reef said:

 I'm struggling a bit with spending £230 in a rifle and then spending £200+ on upgrading by replacing the new parts.


Are you talking yourself into buying a TAC-41 😉

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12 minutes ago, Fatboy40 said:


Are you talking yourself into buying a TAC-41 😉

Ohhh, maybe :) You can fit M42 silencers on a TAC-41....

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JG do a g-spec as well, but I think Cyma only do a regular one so if you were looking to get a g-spec the choices are TM or JG. You can get aftermarket parts to convert a full length to g-spec length, but that's more cost.


In the end, you will be swapping out pretty much all of the internals to the point where after I bought an aftermarket stock, I was able to then build a third VSR purely out of spare and extra parts I had accumulated across the other two VSR builds I'd done. Mileage varies, but if you go all out on the internals, you're probably swapping out the hop unit, rubber, nub, inner barrel, cylinder, cylinder head, piston, spring guide, spring and trigger unit. And yes, that is literally every internal part that I just listed.


There is definitely something to be said with just getting a tac41 instead, as those require a lot less upgrades, but if you're like me and don't really like the aesthetics, that's a problem. Also, in my opinion, a fully kitted out tac41 doesn't perform as well as a fully kitted out VSR, however it's a lot easier and cheaper in the end to get a tac41 that performs well than a VSR that performs as well, let alone exceptionally well.


It's a good choice though if you like how it looks. If I was going to compare the tac41 to the VSR, I'd say pros and cons are:

+ better out of the box

+ has better air volume for heavier BBs / longer barrels (41cc vs ~35cc in a VSR)

+ easier to get it shooting quietly

+ easier to put attachments on such as bipods, lights etc.

+ has QD mounts for sling, which is probably better than the crappy sling mounts on the VSR

+ more options for external parts and better modularity

+ (much) higher performance floor

- (slightly) lower performance ceiling

- less adaptable for various filmsim or period milsim events or impression kits

- heavier than a VSR (even the Lite version is heavier than a g-spec)

- less options for internal parts

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Thanks guys.

I’ll have a look at the TAC-41 this weekend at my local shop.

Thank you impulse for the detailed comparison. 

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12 hours ago, Impulse said:

There is definitely something to be said with just getting a tac41 instead, as those require a lot less upgrades


They require a spring.  You might - and I stress might - need a chub nub, or to shim the stock nub, to lift 0.46g+.  I shoot 0.43g from mine, and with only a spring change and Rapax rings to tune it to bang on 2.3J, it's already more consistent than my aim, and stealthier than my field-craft.


So while I agree that you could get even betterer performance out of throwing away all (and as you say, all) the internals of a VSR, I'd suggest that it only makes sense if you enjoy the process, and are prepared to spend more than a TAC-41 or Novristch SSR, and have the opportunity to tune and test between game days, and are very serious about Bush Wookeying to the point where you're washing your balls before playing.


There's no wrong way to airsoft, and I did have fun tuning an MB-01 on a budget, but it went in the bin-bag of shame the instant I pulled the trigger on a Silverback.

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5 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


There's no wrong way to airsoft, and I did have fun tuning an MB-01 on a budget, but it went in the bin-bag of shame the instant I pulled the trigger on a Silverback.

Well that’s a glowing review for the TAC-41.

I’ve got a lot to think about, thanks again.

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7 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

So while I agree that you could get even betterer performance out of throwing away all (and as you say, all) the internals of a VSR, I'd suggest that it only makes sense if you enjoy the process, and are prepared to spend more than a TAC-41 or Novristch SSR, and have the opportunity to tune and test between game days, and are very serious about Bush Wookeying to the point where you're washing your balls before playing.


Yeah, I totally agree there and that was largely my point. I'd only advise a VSR to someone if they want to go down the hyper-tuning rabbit hole, or they're going for that particular look. I'm the type of player who does well with a VSR; I've given game days a miss to just sit on the range all day and tune setups. Also, of my 41 guns, 11 are bolt actions (will be 12 as I'm grabbing a Tanaka m24 soon(ish)) and 12 are pistols. Over half of my collection are bolt actions or the pistols I carry along with them. I also use gas bolt actions because I enjoy them and can get them shooting incredibly well, however that requires minor teching literally every game day morning to get the power right for the temperature on the day, so I don't ever recommend those.


TAC-41 is, at the moment, the "best" bolt action on the market for the majority of airsoft players looking to get into that kind of playstyle. Even I was tempted to build one when I saw that nice m-lok handguard that extends all the way down the barrel, but then decided I didn't want to spend that much on another gun (because you know I'd swap out all the parts!) and it wouldn't get used much anyway with my massive preference for (gas) m700s

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12 hours ago, Reef said:

Well that’s a glowing review for the TAC-41.


Experiences will vary, but I was astonished with mine. It's performed exactly as advertised, without any tinkering other than a (super quick and easy) spring change and a barrel clean. I like an excuse to tinker, but I just don't have any.  It's both the most expensive airsoft toy I've bought, and also the best value for money in terms of balls-on-target.


The one downside is that, as @Impulsesaid, it's a bit of a chonky boi compared to a VSR. The Lite version is indeed Liter and cheaper, while having the same internals.



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Incase you're interested in what I did....

I bought another TM VSR 10, but in OD this time. I did handle the other snipers, TAC-41, SSG's, they were nice but felt like 'too much' of a gun for what I need, if you see what I mean. The clean line and simplicity of the VSR is a real attraction to me. I've bought the parts to upgrade to the same spec as my other VSR, this will be fine for now until I feel the need to go further.

Thanks for all the input and DM's guys, its really appreciated.


The scope is just one I had lying about. its a x50 and too big in my view. I'll keep an eye out for a nice x40 mildot.


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