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MOA 2024 New stuff from S&T - FG42, SKS, SVT-40 (all AEG booooo)


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Imagine you might see a few more FJ loadouts, if the FG42 is anyway decent. The SKS is very much welcome. Will be great for a whole range of Cold War kits, in addition to more generic Opfor kits. Will be interesting to see how they work out a gearbox solution (V7?).


SVT40 is certainly left of field choice.   Can't be all positivity, so I predict at least two of these will come to market before King Arms re-release of the FN FAL.

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They are OK, some dodgy design decisions here and there but by and large I would put them in the low to mid price point bracket.  What they are seeming to do recently (which I applaud) is focus on historical WW2 and WW1 firearms which aren't really done by other manufacturers who just churn out M4 copies.

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Always wanted a SKS. Definitely getting this one when it comes out. Might get the FG42 as well, liked the look of it.


Did they give any information as to when they're coming out?

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AN94 would be an interesting choice. Know that it never saw all that much use. Still if you look at what guns do you wish they made threads, it always makes an appearance. Various mosfets/ETUs would make the two shot mechanism somewhat doable.


DP28 would be a welcome addition. Ideal for a range of loadouts or a generic opfor. Makes a change from the PKM/RPK without the eye-watering price-tag/technical concerns of the RPD.   Will be fascinating to see what kind of feeding mechanism they go for if it does make it into production.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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