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New Bangy Thing


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Scrolling through faceache I saw this announcement from JD Airsoft.


It's not new ... just different!

Introducing the FRAG (Field Reloadable Airsoft Grenade) and experience the ultimate build in reliability, affordability, and safety! 

With over 3 years of R&D, component testing and field stress checks, the FRAG is the most robust lightweight impact blank firing grenade on the market - A world's first in fact!

Using the latest Dupont Hytrel 5556® thermoplastic polyester elastomer, the FRAG impact grenade is very light but very strong. Weighing in at only 195g the device is safer than any other throwing device available making CQB a much safer environment to play in.

THE FRAG grenade is a product that will not only offer you a highly demanding reliable experience, but also at a cheaper and more affordable price point.

On sale from 31st August - in store and online. Available in 10 different colours. 

FREE FRAG PATCH with every purchase (while stocks last).



For now they take .209 primers.


They haven't said anything about price yet so it'll be interesting to see how they compare to oshi booms and quake grenades

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To paraphrase Sir Mix-a-lot, I like big bangs and I cannot lie, so as long as they're not stupidly priced I might get one to see if they're any good

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now with the ready availability of 3D Printed impacts that run off cap gun pellets, these are hard sell. I can have reliable one shot impacts for less than £5 a pop. They have to price it low, as otherwise they can't realistically compete any more.


92g in weight and 48 caps for £2.99.

Edited by GiantKiwi
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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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