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Help! Decent OD Plate Carriers / Armour for our team


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I need some pointers on where to look for reasonably priced, reasonable quality plate carriers for our currently embryonic team.


From my googling, it seems that the spectrum lies from cheap rebadged AliExpress tat to actual hardcore realsteel gear that costs minimum over £150-£200 (way beyond our needs).


Anyone got any advice on any potential brands that sit between these two extremes? I seem to remember Condor might fit the bill, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of that about these days.

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Either go with non rebadged AliExpress stuff direct. Some of it can be really good! 


A good halfway house for me is the Pentagon Aspis Ral. Really good quality vest for under 100. It looks fairly Gucci too. 

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Emerson Gear

Flyye Industries



All do nicely made good quality for Airsoft plate carriers, available on Ali Express

Ive been running a Flyye LT6094 for a couple of years, a good copy of LondonBridge’s original. 



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The Bulle gear from flecktarn is great, but they don't seem to have a plate carrier option currently.




If you want something "uniform" for you all then China might be the way to go. 


If you just want the same colours then I'd watch out for cheaper end second hand real kit coming up like WAS etc. 


Depending on your budget you should be able to land some reasonable mid range kit like tactical tailor or Eagle industries in the £100-120 ish region. 

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2 hours ago, Krisz said:

If you're cheap like myself Viper Tactical makes decent gear. If you want to spend the bare minimum 8fields isn't bad either just don't expect RS quality.

Agreed. In the past viper kit was considered pretty crap but they've improved alot over the years. While it may not be up there with the real steel gucci gear it's certainly good enough for a sunday skirmish 

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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