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What do you buy the most often?


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Upgrades I buy for every single RIF:

- SS tight bore barrel (typically PDI or maple leaf).

- hop rubber (typically flamingo 50 or nineball airseal).

- maple leaf I-bar.


those 3 upgrades will typically cost me £45-60 (barrel being the most expensive bit) per RIF and makes a world of difference to the performance of the RIF.


I dont own any AEGs, so these upgrades are specific to GBBP and GBBR… but a decent inner barrel and hop bucking would be helpful for an AEG as well 😁

Edited by MistakenMexican
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Most of my guns don't have any upgrades but on the rare occasion I do change something it's usually the hop rubber.


It's worth posting that IMO you should always play a game or two with the gun totally stock rather than upgrading parts beforehand. This gives you a better idea of what, if anything needs changing 

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