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Returning after 15 years

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Hi folks, old guy here returning to the game after a break. Sold all my stuff, accumulating new stuff. Folk might remember mr as Swedge from Airsoft Asylum in Shotts or SPC in Fenwick. 
I’m back and will be playing at A66, Depot and POW hopefully. 
things have drastically changed since I was charging about with a massive 12v NiCad in my hydration pack!

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Hi bud👋

Another old guy here lol.

Welcome to the good ship afuk. Climb aboard and enjoy 👍




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Welcome back! I was out for a similar time when I rejoined last year.



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Ahoy and welcome back.  Area-66 is my regular site, and POW is decent as well.  The old Depo was ace, I still haven't tried the new site yet as even recent reports suggest it's still too dark and full of bottlenecks. Have you played there?


Biohazard in Stevenston / Ardeer is a good shout too if you're out west, they make really good use of the available space with some clever build-work and well run games.

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Welcome back, I was in a similar position. Decent knee pads are our friend. 😁

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Welcome :).

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Welcome... as a fellow old fart can I suggest eye pro, steel toecap boots, knee pads, shin guards, back brace, ear defenders, helmet, life insurance & an understanding family who may need to wipe your unmentionables when you hurt something not protected.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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