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New Silverback Tac-41 Variants due out spring 2024


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I've been after a tac41 for a while now the price was always just in that slightly uncomfortable zone. It looks like they are releasing some new ones with polymer parts at a cheaper price point. Due spring 2024.


Tac-41 lite (a tac-41a with a polymer stock) £300ish


Tac 41 lite sport line (as above with a polymer receiver and hop unit etc) 200 euros-ish. 


They are also sticking the polymer receiver in the full length tac41 p and doing that cheaper too. 


I'm guessing the polymer won't be as durable as the aluminium but I suspect it'll really depend on the polymer used and the structure of the receiver. 




I'm not sure why longbow say its not compatible with the M95 Newton spring "Warning: Not compatible with  SBA-SPR-08 (95 Newton spring)." 





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  • Jedi_Master changed the title to New Silverback Tac-41 Variants due out spring 2024
3 hours ago, TheFull9 said:

If I could get a bolt action that's decently accurate and close to the legal joule limit out of the box with fairly realistic looks for sub £500 I'd definitely be quite interested.

That's already what you get from a tac41 or a steyer scout. Well, simple spring change, but that's easy. 

Edited by Badgerlicious
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34 minutes ago, Badgerlicious said:

That's already what you get from a tac41 or a steyer scout. Well, simple spring change, but that's easy. 


Very easy in the case of the TAC-41. The tools you need to do it are stored on the gun.



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